"Women are sorry. Constantly complain that the men around there.
Women do not mind. Educate their sons both girls.
The result is natural. »
I should be engaged in the education of boys father. Moreover, since birth. His birth, not the birth of a son.
Because education in the family - it's not preachy. Boy copies pattern of behavior of his father, not his words.
QUESTION OF MOTHERS - whether you want your son to become the same as your husband?
A man should be strong. What does it mean? To be able to make decisions and take responsibility for those decisions.
Parents' questions - Is your son is learning to make their own decisions and take responsibility for them?
Make decisions and take responsibility - two sides of the same coin. Freedom from one side. Restrictions on freedom of the other.
The man makes the decisions, but is responsible for them his woman. This is not a man, as a sissy. Muzhchinka.
Man does not make decisions, but responsible for them responsible. This is not a man. A henpecked. Peasant.
Freedom starts with self-restraint.
There is a oriental saying "The first camels drink water, because they have no hands. The second man is drunk, because they have no patience. The last woman drinking ».
EDUCATION SCHEME (for dads !!):
"The best - mum. Because she's a girl. Then the cat - because he is helpless and dependent on us. Then we have with you. Because we are men ».
At what age a child becomes a man?
Since awareness of themselves as individuals. Psychologists know that age. Three years. Yes, mom. Three years.
It is from this age need to continuously inspire his son - "Do you - man!».
It is from this age need to teach him the way normal male "Must!»
A man should. To be able to endure. To be able to overcome yourself. To be able to make mistakes. To be able to be gentle. To be able to be rude. To be able to be different. To be able to answer for his words. A man should be able to be.
The child should be treated as an adult. This does not mean that it is not necessary to play, not to forgive his mistakes, not to indulge it, do not smile at him.
The child may be wrong. He explores the world around us, exploring its boundaries. Do you know why men like children? Because men are also pushing the boundaries of this world. A man should be worried. He is the driving force of humanity. A woman - the power to save, if anything.
You can not punish the boy for mistakes. They need to be corrected. Him. Himself. Independently. But with your tips and help.