Facade finishing houses

Facade finishing houses - one of the finishing of construction and decoration operations. This work requires craftsmen and artists not only engineering knowledge, but also practical skills and experience. Report finishing technology can lead to the destruction of the surfacing layer and loss of appearance of the facade. Facades can plasterers, get off natural or artificial stone, adorned with ceramic and glass installations, mosaics and other materials.
Popular form of decoration is a decoration of the façade and interior walls made of artificial stone compositions, which serves as a material for architectural concrete.
These materials mimic the texture and texture of rocks, walls, caves and grottos. Bold fantasy composition of artificial stone takes us to the realm of fantasy, fairy tales, awaken the imagination, encourage creativity.
Studio "Seven Wonders of the World" performs finishing facades of private homes on the artificial stone vysochayschem professional and technical level, strictly following the project design developed by certified artists our workshop.