Grandfather Dobri

98-year-old beggar, grandpa's kind of the Bulgarian village of Bail, dressed in homespun clothes and old leather shoes that he wears in winter and summer, often standing at the Cathedral of St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in Sofia. Every day he gets up early and goes 10 kilometers from their village to the capital of Bail.
In 2010, during the filming of a documentary film about Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, the Bulgarian TV journalist did in the archives of the church shocking discovery - the most generous private donation, which ever received Cathedral - EUR 40,000 was made by an old beggar - grandfather Dobri.
98-year-old holy does not apply to a single penny of the money, which he served. He lives on a pension of 100 euros per month, as well as non-cash handouts in the form of fruits and breads.
Grandfather Dobri helps many others, for example, he paid utility bills orphanage, which was on the verge of shutdown of heat and light. It also helps the homeless. But of all the good deeds grandfather Dobri we'll never know, because he never speaks about them.