The guy be dangerous

Strange as it may seem, but to be a man is really dangerous. From the moment of conception. embryo in the womb have to fight for it to become a man. Men are more prone to genetic and other diseases, they have at any age higher mortality, and life expectancy is almost 10% less than women.
Biologically much easier to become a woman. We can say that the development of the embryo into a woman - this rule, and in a man - an exception. Dr. Alfred Hoet wrote: "The basic form of the human body's ability to survive, - a woman and a man - something extra».
According to Dr. Michael L. Gustafson and Patricia K. Donahoe to man appeared "at the right time and in a particular sequence should occur a cascade of complex molecular and morphological transformations." If in the course of these changes, something goes wrong, the embryo will develop into a woman.
According to the famous anthropologist Ashley Montagu late Dr., the prospect of having Y-, and not the X-chromosome, that is, to be a man, sad. Y-chromosome is only 1/5 of the size of the X-chromosome, it is responsible for many genetic diseases. "The fact that man is endowed with a Y-chromosome, it seems, gives him a lot of problems." There are more than 30 genetic diseases that are more common in men than in women - from a lack of front teeth and ending Van den Bosch syndrome (a disease that includes congenital dementia, skeletal deformities, lack of sweat glands, and so on. D.) . In addition, there are at least 63 diseases that men are more prone than women.
The mortality rate of male children before birth is higher than that of female children. After conception 100 formed female infants from 120 to 150 male embryos, but only 100 girls 105 boys born. The reasons why in the womb kill more male babies are still unknown.
A similar trend is observed after birth: in the first year after the birth of each dead girl comes three dead boy; at age 21 for each deceased young woman for almost two dead young men. Male life expectancy is shorter by 10%, and it is a natural norm for them.
Starting from birth onwards, men less women in almost all aspects of behavior. The exception is physical strength, muscle coordination and perception of space. For example, the capture of the hand at the five year old boy often twice stronger than the five year old girl. However, women tend to be better developed it, and it is often in modern society gives great advantages.
The average boys are characterized in that:
- Begin to speak later;
- Have at preschool age little vocabulary;
- Begin to use later in the speech proposals;
- Later, and slowly learning to read;
- Worse than complete sentences and stories;
- To form a substantially worse linguistic communication, such as in the tests where required to create an artificial language;
- Less attentive to the sounds;
- Slowly learn foreign languages;
- Show worse than girls, ability to memorize;
- Worse are tested on logic;
- Have a poor imagination.
Studies show that men are more vulnerable emotionally. According to Dr. M. Robbins, "the researchers came to an agreement ... that women are more socially oriented, while men are more selfish." Women stronger emotionally, so they can afford to be sociable.