Medical facts

The highest body temperature was recorded in 1980, a certain Willie Jones of Atlanta, GA. Georgia. On admission to the hospital she was found to be 46, 5 ° C. From the hospital the patient was discharged after 24 days.
The lowest documented temperature of the human body was registered February 23, 1994 in Regina, pr. Of Saskatchewan, Canada, in 2-year-old Carly Kozolofski. Once the door to her home was accidentally locked in and girl remained for 6 hours in the cold at a temperature of -22 ° C, the temperature was equal to 14 2 ° C.
In the stomach of a 42-year-old woman who suffered from compulsive ingestion of objects was discovered in 2533 foreign body, including 947 safety pins. In this case, the woman complained of "a gentle abdominal pain».
The heaviest object ever been removed from the human stomach was a hair ball weighing 2 to 35 kg. There is a disease in which patients eat hair ...
The largest number of tablets received a C. Kilner from Zimbabwe. In the 21 years of treatment he took 565,939 pills.
Most shots put Samuel Deivdsonu from the UK. Over a lifetime, it has been made, at least 78,900 insulin injections.
Most operations suffered Charles Jensen of the United States. In the period from 1954 to 1994, he was made 970 operations to remove tumors.
The longest in history had surgery to remove an ovarian cyst. It lasted 96 hours. After surgery, the patient's weight dropped from 280 to 140 kg.
Longest cardiac arrest experienced fisherman Ian Revsdal from Norway. After he had in December fell overboard near Bergen, and his body temperature dropped to 24 ° C, his heart stopped for 4 hours. He recovered after connecting to the heart-lung machine.
The biggest overload had experienced rider David Purley in July 1977 During the race, there was an accident, and Pearl had to endure a decrease in speed of 173 km / h. to zero on the path segment length of 66 cm. It received 29 fractures and dislocation 3, and his heart stopped 6 times.