The most democratic elections
New wife for Russian President Vladimir Putin will choose Russian citizens. This Smixer.ru just said presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov.
"Life President is important for many Russians, so it was decided to make the position of the first lady of the election," - said the official.
Rules for the election of the new wife of the president of the Russian Federation will develop Monday.
The head of the Central Election Commission Vladimir Churov told our newspaper that elections for a new wife and soon you are ready to begin registration of candidates. He denied suggestions sounded in the press that before the election is valid only brides are pleasing to the Kremlin.
"Elections wife are free and fair, - said Vladimir Churov. - Use of administrative resources is possible ».
According to a sociological study of the Russian Center "Runet-Monitoring", the majority of Russian Internet users see as the successor to Lyudmila Putina Alina Kabaeva.
"This is only the opinion of the people, - underline sociologists. - We have no information whether she intends to run for Kabaeva wife ».
Meanwhile, some experts suggested that Lyudmila Putin, too, can take part in elections and to a second term in marriage.
"Despite the fact that she had not appeared in public, many people are accustomed to stability, may vote for it" - said the expert.
It is unknown who as first lady put forward by the opposition.
"The Coordinating Council will meet early next week - told us the source of in opposition. - If there is disagreement, we will offer in a single female candidate Putin's wife ».
Gay activists learned about the divorce of the president and the election of a new wife for him, once again reminded of themselves. They demanded an official permit same-sex marriages, and the opportunity to participate in choosing a life partner for the Russian president.