Good man, just as it had speakers do not burst from such a volume?
Timur new apartment - large and echoing.
Timur - sound, so the apartment had a stereo and Marshall's live acoustic set - two small portal kilowatts each.
On the other tenants of the house of Tim does not know, but well versed in musical tastes neighbors below.
They each night cut in small tape recorder at full volume, and the unit to three or four hours spits into the environment Serduchka, grunting from the strain of all their Chinese speakers.
Do not sleep half of the house.
On knocking on batteries, phone calls, and kicking the door fans Serduchka not respond.
Only heard the gnashing of tape so drunken laughter. Timur and his wife every night pupate in a blanket, crushing his ears with pillows. It does not help.
- Light?
- M? - From under the pillow.
- Do you want to listen to music?
- Crazy?
- Come on, help me.
Tim got up from the couch and gently put Marshall on the floor, face down.
One, then another. Then, slowly adding an amplifier and a stereo.
- Light, you have something louder?
Since the five-month violinist can not stand pop music and other stuff from the loud she found only Beethoven.
Timur thoughtfully put a timer and turned the knob of the amplifier.
- Well, let's go for a walk?
It would seem - well, what a kilowatt?
Everyone in the kitchen is electric, that it boils kilowatt in his stomach liter of water, and no one in this life does not stop.
And on the vacuum cleaner generally written - 1500 watts, and the noise from it is not much.
It's just the other vatty.Esli spend two kilowatt exclusively on hot air, few seem not to.
Timur brought his wife into the yard, seated on a bench, wrapped a blanket and gave up a cup of hot tea. He looked at his watch.
- Three minutes. Breathe until air.
After three minutes of "Sonya" I set off a CD, and an invisible conductor waved his wand.
Ludwig van Beethoven. Fifth Symphony.
- Ta-da-da-Daaaaa! ..
Pause. Birds leaped from the roof into the darkness.
- Ta-da-da-DAAAAAAAAA! ..
And away we go. Deaf German lad covered with painted balls in her bra, as the elephant Moska.
The neighbor's tape recorder quietly squeaked through shelling.
Talking on the target apartment could only gestures.
However, as on the landing.
Serdyuchniki, silently cursing, reached the seventh floor, and kicked the door safe deposit thymine, but against the timpani heard they were not.
House, of course, woke up the whole. Windows does not burst, but noticeably vibrate.
In the district barking dog. In some car alarm went off, but from the sound and put the blame on the hood of a cat.
Tim stronger embraced his wife:
- Like?
- Highly! - She smiled and kissed Timur unshaven cheek.
Someone called the police.
But while "Bobby" with flashing lights and opened his lights came on call, Timkin timer squeaked quietly and cut off the sound.
From the entrance tumbled people - they are screaming fans crushed Serduchka who fished on the same site.
Police pohmurila stale faces and did not understand. Taken away.
No, of course, something I realized what had happened.
But these few simple Timur shook his hand and said nothing to anyone.
After a couple of quiet nights neighbors below tried to play music again. Softly.
But in two hours.
Timur leaned over the balcony and loudly yelled at full throat down:
- Ta-da da yeah! ..
Sent by Zidane
Timur - sound, so the apartment had a stereo and Marshall's live acoustic set - two small portal kilowatts each.
On the other tenants of the house of Tim does not know, but well versed in musical tastes neighbors below.
They each night cut in small tape recorder at full volume, and the unit to three or four hours spits into the environment Serduchka, grunting from the strain of all their Chinese speakers.
Do not sleep half of the house.
On knocking on batteries, phone calls, and kicking the door fans Serduchka not respond.
Only heard the gnashing of tape so drunken laughter. Timur and his wife every night pupate in a blanket, crushing his ears with pillows. It does not help.
- Light?
- M? - From under the pillow.
- Do you want to listen to music?
- Crazy?
- Come on, help me.
Tim got up from the couch and gently put Marshall on the floor, face down.
One, then another. Then, slowly adding an amplifier and a stereo.
- Light, you have something louder?
Since the five-month violinist can not stand pop music and other stuff from the loud she found only Beethoven.
Timur thoughtfully put a timer and turned the knob of the amplifier.
- Well, let's go for a walk?
It would seem - well, what a kilowatt?
Everyone in the kitchen is electric, that it boils kilowatt in his stomach liter of water, and no one in this life does not stop.
And on the vacuum cleaner generally written - 1500 watts, and the noise from it is not much.
It's just the other vatty.Esli spend two kilowatt exclusively on hot air, few seem not to.
Timur brought his wife into the yard, seated on a bench, wrapped a blanket and gave up a cup of hot tea. He looked at his watch.
- Three minutes. Breathe until air.
After three minutes of "Sonya" I set off a CD, and an invisible conductor waved his wand.
Ludwig van Beethoven. Fifth Symphony.
- Ta-da-da-Daaaaa! ..
Pause. Birds leaped from the roof into the darkness.
- Ta-da-da-DAAAAAAAAA! ..
And away we go. Deaf German lad covered with painted balls in her bra, as the elephant Moska.
The neighbor's tape recorder quietly squeaked through shelling.
Talking on the target apartment could only gestures.
However, as on the landing.
Serdyuchniki, silently cursing, reached the seventh floor, and kicked the door safe deposit thymine, but against the timpani heard they were not.
House, of course, woke up the whole. Windows does not burst, but noticeably vibrate.
In the district barking dog. In some car alarm went off, but from the sound and put the blame on the hood of a cat.
Tim stronger embraced his wife:
- Like?
- Highly! - She smiled and kissed Timur unshaven cheek.
Someone called the police.
But while "Bobby" with flashing lights and opened his lights came on call, Timkin timer squeaked quietly and cut off the sound.
From the entrance tumbled people - they are screaming fans crushed Serduchka who fished on the same site.
Police pohmurila stale faces and did not understand. Taken away.
No, of course, something I realized what had happened.
But these few simple Timur shook his hand and said nothing to anyone.
After a couple of quiet nights neighbors below tried to play music again. Softly.
But in two hours.
Timur leaned over the balcony and loudly yelled at full throat down:
- Ta-da da yeah! ..
Sent by Zidane