Maniacs are different ... =)
Happened to me once again ride on the legendary car-terrain vehicle, ZIL-157. Machine, I can tell you, without any malice - a miracle of Soviet technology, with regard to cross. With three operating bridges and tire inflation it probably has no equal. But, despite all these advantages, there is a downside, and if we ignore the design and comfort, the first of them will be fast. Anyway.
I got into the car by accident, I was getting up to a hitchhiker taiga settlement. The driver, a sullen man two meters tall, was silent, but, and if they put it on some issue, all over my body ran horror. Road future, one hundred and twenty kilometers of dirt road, the heat under thirty, on the primer coating layer of dust ten centimeters. The windows of the car are all open, including windshields. As I said, at this speed, "cleaver" fifty, not more. Therefore, we at intervals of fifteen minutes or twenty overtaking passing. A cloud of dust raised by them, reaches a height of several meters, and in the absence of wind was almost endless. Drove viciously sneezed, his eyes slowly filled with blood, and I'm away from sin, too, panting, she huddled in the farthest corner of the cabin.
- Your mother ...! - Swallow another portion of the thick and palpable even to touch the dust, the driver was indignant, - your mother ...! - He repeated, once spitting saliva clot-like alychevoe jam - kill goats !!!
But the "goats" quietly sawed on, and we are becoming more like the stove-makers to bakers combined. At first, I made several attempts to calm the furious monster, but as soon as I opened my mouth, he bestowed me a look that I immediately realized that overnight from a fellow traveler can turn into one of the above animals.
- All right, bastards, your time has come! - Carrier slammed on the brakes, stopping the machine.
After a moment in his hands glistened greedily pretty decent ax vyuzhenny from some of the seats.
- "Damn, I tied up with a maniac go!" - Flashed through my consciousness melted, sprinkle generously with dust, - "Not me, not me" - wildly throbbed one thought. But had passed on me it just did not pay attention, popershis somewhere outside the car. After a minute of roadside coppice, heard the furious blows of the ax.
- "Maybe he was so advised the therapist, emotions extinguish" - carefully looking out the window, I thought.
A man, not paying any attention to that, in a frenzy, and some Stakhanovite dedication Plastal the roots fairly decent birch.
- "Chopping block for the goats ready!" - It dawned on me.
- Come on, mate, podsobit! - When a birch with a bang rolls onto its side, he roared carrier. From chap was just me. Carefully, so as not to make any movement, which is able to further infuriate cage I grabbed a fresh butt.
- On the way to go! - Snapped a maniac.
- "Just bespredelschik, right now, the road will block and start goats head Plastal" - pulling birch, I analyzed by scanning the area for emergency escape.
Pulling birch on the road, the man reached into the box and pulled out a rather long and thick rope.
- "Axe not enough for him, and even the gallows wants to do!" But the man did not do the gallows, throwing one end of the rope to the hitch and the other on the butt birch, it is quite spore tied knots.
- Come on, bro! - Leaping into the cab, he announced quite fun.
All remaining eighty kilometers was not a man to know, he laughed, herbs stories, promised to introduce a local girl, and so on. Occasionally looking back and glancing in the rearview mirror, I realized that dust storms in the Sahara and Gobi just a childish prank, compared with what was going on after us. To the destination ahead of us, no car, and even counter respectfully froze on the sidelines.
I got into the car by accident, I was getting up to a hitchhiker taiga settlement. The driver, a sullen man two meters tall, was silent, but, and if they put it on some issue, all over my body ran horror. Road future, one hundred and twenty kilometers of dirt road, the heat under thirty, on the primer coating layer of dust ten centimeters. The windows of the car are all open, including windshields. As I said, at this speed, "cleaver" fifty, not more. Therefore, we at intervals of fifteen minutes or twenty overtaking passing. A cloud of dust raised by them, reaches a height of several meters, and in the absence of wind was almost endless. Drove viciously sneezed, his eyes slowly filled with blood, and I'm away from sin, too, panting, she huddled in the farthest corner of the cabin.
- Your mother ...! - Swallow another portion of the thick and palpable even to touch the dust, the driver was indignant, - your mother ...! - He repeated, once spitting saliva clot-like alychevoe jam - kill goats !!!
But the "goats" quietly sawed on, and we are becoming more like the stove-makers to bakers combined. At first, I made several attempts to calm the furious monster, but as soon as I opened my mouth, he bestowed me a look that I immediately realized that overnight from a fellow traveler can turn into one of the above animals.
- All right, bastards, your time has come! - Carrier slammed on the brakes, stopping the machine.
After a moment in his hands glistened greedily pretty decent ax vyuzhenny from some of the seats.
- "Damn, I tied up with a maniac go!" - Flashed through my consciousness melted, sprinkle generously with dust, - "Not me, not me" - wildly throbbed one thought. But had passed on me it just did not pay attention, popershis somewhere outside the car. After a minute of roadside coppice, heard the furious blows of the ax.
- "Maybe he was so advised the therapist, emotions extinguish" - carefully looking out the window, I thought.
A man, not paying any attention to that, in a frenzy, and some Stakhanovite dedication Plastal the roots fairly decent birch.
- "Chopping block for the goats ready!" - It dawned on me.
- Come on, mate, podsobit! - When a birch with a bang rolls onto its side, he roared carrier. From chap was just me. Carefully, so as not to make any movement, which is able to further infuriate cage I grabbed a fresh butt.
- On the way to go! - Snapped a maniac.
- "Just bespredelschik, right now, the road will block and start goats head Plastal" - pulling birch, I analyzed by scanning the area for emergency escape.
Pulling birch on the road, the man reached into the box and pulled out a rather long and thick rope.
- "Axe not enough for him, and even the gallows wants to do!" But the man did not do the gallows, throwing one end of the rope to the hitch and the other on the butt birch, it is quite spore tied knots.
- Come on, bro! - Leaping into the cab, he announced quite fun.
All remaining eighty kilometers was not a man to know, he laughed, herbs stories, promised to introduce a local girl, and so on. Occasionally looking back and glancing in the rearview mirror, I realized that dust storms in the Sahara and Gobi just a childish prank, compared with what was going on after us. To the destination ahead of us, no car, and even counter respectfully froze on the sidelines.