Zombie Parade 2012. Perm
8 is a photo, please do not break!
July 7 in Perm hosted the parade of zombies.
Property «killed»
01. not sour since the beginning of the
02 and even Spiderman, too stsuko zombies
03. Well etotnavernoe longer zombies and putana
04. were maniacs ubivtsa
05. and maniac-murderer ... for some reason it poplohelo from this "girl" ... so it is very colorful with an ax looks
06. Probably it maniacs ubivtsa confused over mock
07.a expressly megaphone advertising, bleat!
08. It kanesh probably fun, but I have some sense of humor did not understand this flash mob. maybe they really need what they asked
author photo I.Molokotina.
More then 30 different photos of zombies
July 7 in Perm hosted the parade of zombies.
Property «killed»
01. not sour since the beginning of the

02 and even Spiderman, too stsuko zombies

03. Well etotnavernoe longer zombies and putana

04. were maniacs ubivtsa

05. and maniac-murderer ... for some reason it poplohelo from this "girl" ... so it is very colorful with an ax looks

06. Probably it maniacs ubivtsa confused over mock

07.a expressly megaphone advertising, bleat!

08. It kanesh probably fun, but I have some sense of humor did not understand this flash mob. maybe they really need what they asked
author photo I.Molokotina.
More then 30 different photos of zombies
