Classic in the new format =)
Ellochka in style chairs was driven by Varsonofevskomu alley. Her husband was not at home. However, he soon appeared, carrying a briefcase, with the chest.
- Cool pic - clearly said Ellochka. All words uttered it clearly and boldly jumped like a pea.
- Hello, Elenochka, what's this? Location chairs?
- Pazitif!
- No, really?
- Glamorous!
- Yes. Chairs are good.
- Gothic!
- I give someone?
- Uzhosnah!
- How?! Have you bought? What is means? Really on household? After all, I told you a thousand times ...
- Ernestulya! Drink yadu!
- Well, how is it possible to do ?! For us there is nothing to be!
- This sucks! ..
- But this is outrageous! You're living beyond your means!
- In gazenvagen!
- Yes Yes. You are living beyond their means ...
- Where is the moderator?
- No, let's talk seriously. I get a hundred rubles ...
- Drink yadu!
- I do not take bribes ... Money does not steal and do not know how to forge their ...
- Hypocrite, kill yourself! ..
Ernest Pavlovich paused.
- Look, - he said at last - so you can not live.
- Wash hobat, stinks - Ellochka replied, sitting down on a new chair.
- We need to leave.
- Go to Beavertown, you animal!
- We do not concur characters. I ...
- You suck, kid.
- How many times have I told you not to call me kid!
- Off-Topic!
- And where did you get this idiotic jargon ?!
- Author, teach Albanian!
- Oh shit! - Cried the engineer.
- Gothic!
- Let's disperse peacefully.
- Ftemu!
- You can not prove anything to me! The dispute ...
- Kamenty rule.
- No, it is absolutely intolerable. Your argument can not hold me back from the step that I have to do. I'm now going for lomovikom.
- Zhzhosh!
- Furniture we share equally.
- Uzhosnah!
- You will receive one hundred rubles a month. Even a hundred and twenty. The room will be yours. Live as you want, but I can not do ...
- Drain zaschitan - Ellochka said contemptuously.
- And I'll move to Ivan.
- Achtung!
- He's gone to the country and left me in the summer of his entire apartment. The key is I have ... only furniture there.
- Ahuet give two!
Ernest Pavlovich came back five minutes later with the janitor.
- Well, I do not take walk-in closet, it is necessary for you, but the desk, so be so good ... And this one take the chair, the janitor. I'll take one of the two chairs. I think I have that right? ..
Ernest Pavlovich tied their belongings in a large bundle, wrapped in paper and the boots turned to the door.
- Picture is not loaded, - said Ellochka gramophone voice. - Goodbye, Elena.
He waited for his wife at least in this case, to refrain from conventional metal words. Ellochka also felt the importance of the moment. She stiffened and began to search for a suitable parting words. They quickly found.
- Kitty, what you do with Horad?
Engineer avalanche rolled down the stairs.
- Cool pic - clearly said Ellochka. All words uttered it clearly and boldly jumped like a pea.
- Hello, Elenochka, what's this? Location chairs?
- Pazitif!
- No, really?
- Glamorous!
- Yes. Chairs are good.
- Gothic!
- I give someone?
- Uzhosnah!
- How?! Have you bought? What is means? Really on household? After all, I told you a thousand times ...
- Ernestulya! Drink yadu!
- Well, how is it possible to do ?! For us there is nothing to be!
- This sucks! ..
- But this is outrageous! You're living beyond your means!
- In gazenvagen!
- Yes Yes. You are living beyond their means ...
- Where is the moderator?
- No, let's talk seriously. I get a hundred rubles ...
- Drink yadu!
- I do not take bribes ... Money does not steal and do not know how to forge their ...
- Hypocrite, kill yourself! ..
Ernest Pavlovich paused.
- Look, - he said at last - so you can not live.
- Wash hobat, stinks - Ellochka replied, sitting down on a new chair.
- We need to leave.
- Go to Beavertown, you animal!
- We do not concur characters. I ...
- You suck, kid.
- How many times have I told you not to call me kid!
- Off-Topic!
- And where did you get this idiotic jargon ?!
- Author, teach Albanian!
- Oh shit! - Cried the engineer.
- Gothic!
- Let's disperse peacefully.
- Ftemu!
- You can not prove anything to me! The dispute ...
- Kamenty rule.
- No, it is absolutely intolerable. Your argument can not hold me back from the step that I have to do. I'm now going for lomovikom.
- Zhzhosh!
- Furniture we share equally.
- Uzhosnah!
- You will receive one hundred rubles a month. Even a hundred and twenty. The room will be yours. Live as you want, but I can not do ...
- Drain zaschitan - Ellochka said contemptuously.
- And I'll move to Ivan.
- Achtung!
- He's gone to the country and left me in the summer of his entire apartment. The key is I have ... only furniture there.
- Ahuet give two!
Ernest Pavlovich came back five minutes later with the janitor.
- Well, I do not take walk-in closet, it is necessary for you, but the desk, so be so good ... And this one take the chair, the janitor. I'll take one of the two chairs. I think I have that right? ..
Ernest Pavlovich tied their belongings in a large bundle, wrapped in paper and the boots turned to the door.
- Picture is not loaded, - said Ellochka gramophone voice. - Goodbye, Elena.
He waited for his wife at least in this case, to refrain from conventional metal words. Ellochka also felt the importance of the moment. She stiffened and began to search for a suitable parting words. They quickly found.
- Kitty, what you do with Horad?
Engineer avalanche rolled down the stairs.