Do not let seniors behind the wheel!
In America, they rule even deep retirees. And they rule! Albert Vingli Nebraska turned 74 years old in his "Cadillac". It somehow Mr. Vingli and went to the store - just over six traffic lights. I bought a pack of cigarettes, moved back and ... lost. And as Albert stremayutsya ask for directions, then I went and - six days! Until drove nine states and ran into the Atlantic Ocean.
I'm just stubborn, I do not like to ask, - explained then retired. - I turned to the left, and it was necessary to right. Seven hours later, when already traveled 400 km, look - a great city, Lincoln called. Well, I think, in the morning to find out where I am, and went to sleep in the car ...
But in the morning Vingli did not grovel, but simply went back. At least, he thought back. It turned out, again not there ... And so repeated all the way up to the Miami.
When at last Mr. Vingli spit on the pride and appealed to the police, they did not at first believe. If we assume a straight line, he traveled three thousand miles! And if he still dodged?! ... I call relatives who already went crazy, and they rushed him. Back behind the wheel of a pensioner is not allowed. At all. Sent by plane.
I'm just stubborn, I do not like to ask, - explained then retired. - I turned to the left, and it was necessary to right. Seven hours later, when already traveled 400 km, look - a great city, Lincoln called. Well, I think, in the morning to find out where I am, and went to sleep in the car ...
But in the morning Vingli did not grovel, but simply went back. At least, he thought back. It turned out, again not there ... And so repeated all the way up to the Miami.
When at last Mr. Vingli spit on the pride and appealed to the police, they did not at first believe. If we assume a straight line, he traveled three thousand miles! And if he still dodged?! ... I call relatives who already went crazy, and they rushed him. Back behind the wheel of a pensioner is not allowed. At all. Sent by plane.