Nice to live not forbid or how to live)))))
We must marry in 18 years with aerial odnogrupnitsa-peteushniytsey. Bring her home to her parents and to live in their small room. Quit school and get rotten 7,000 rubles a month from nine to nine without interruption. Get on the tram. So life. Change does not work in any case impossible, since This instability. My wife will be 3 years in the decree, and then arranged to work as a saleswoman in a stall for 4000. A couple of years will be born twins. Wife have to argue with their parents!
To save the life of the floor in the second-hand penny. Then sex life blow away dust particles and remove it from the garage once a year, only on special occasions. Every 5 years the whole family to go to the camp on the voucher! 3 weeks vacation per year.
In the evening go to the yard to drink beer, play dominoes, blame the politicians and to discuss how to run the country.
Black leatherette jacket. The cap pulled down over his eyes. Heavy black Chinese shoes, always blunt. Baggy gray sweater Grandma's huge gate. Hat with ear flaps. Mowing shorter, so solid. Facial expression: the discontented, sullen, "offended life" - serious! Generally, serious attitude to life. Serious such muztchina family!
Villa 6 acres. 150 km from the town. Get on the train. With an always backpacks and strollers with seedlings and potatoes. In spring windowsills filled with seedlings. A ride on the weekends. In the fall of mandatory vskopka garden.
In the 35 required to have at least 3 chronic diseases. That's right. So at all. Take a handful of pills a day. Regularly visit the hospital, standing 5 hours in the queue, or be bored. Be sure to follow the instructions of the doctor, because he knows how to! Drink the juice from the package, believing that it is good for health. Pies drink milk. A soup with meat tea with sugar! BEFORE BEDTIME!!! In general, the food at night - a useful thing !!! It is so accepted!
Sportpartner a waste of time. This guy should have a solid belly, not the disease, called the press, inspired by the decadent West.
Going to church and listen to the songs. Wearing a cross. The larger house icons, the higher spirituality and the smaller sins.
This guy must be smoking! And not all imported garbage, but a real White Sea Canal!
After the holidays depart from a five-day binge, and get yourself on an unknown apartment in family shorts, old, torn, battered sailor.
Old age is found in the company's half-witted old grandsons who have produced your beloved children, whom you have always been taught how to live right !!!
Kick off at age 60 of a stroke, pleased the whole brood of children and grandchildren darling.
To save the life of the floor in the second-hand penny. Then sex life blow away dust particles and remove it from the garage once a year, only on special occasions. Every 5 years the whole family to go to the camp on the voucher! 3 weeks vacation per year.
In the evening go to the yard to drink beer, play dominoes, blame the politicians and to discuss how to run the country.
Black leatherette jacket. The cap pulled down over his eyes. Heavy black Chinese shoes, always blunt. Baggy gray sweater Grandma's huge gate. Hat with ear flaps. Mowing shorter, so solid. Facial expression: the discontented, sullen, "offended life" - serious! Generally, serious attitude to life. Serious such muztchina family!
Villa 6 acres. 150 km from the town. Get on the train. With an always backpacks and strollers with seedlings and potatoes. In spring windowsills filled with seedlings. A ride on the weekends. In the fall of mandatory vskopka garden.
In the 35 required to have at least 3 chronic diseases. That's right. So at all. Take a handful of pills a day. Regularly visit the hospital, standing 5 hours in the queue, or be bored. Be sure to follow the instructions of the doctor, because he knows how to! Drink the juice from the package, believing that it is good for health. Pies drink milk. A soup with meat tea with sugar! BEFORE BEDTIME!!! In general, the food at night - a useful thing !!! It is so accepted!
Sportpartner a waste of time. This guy should have a solid belly, not the disease, called the press, inspired by the decadent West.
Going to church and listen to the songs. Wearing a cross. The larger house icons, the higher spirituality and the smaller sins.
This guy must be smoking! And not all imported garbage, but a real White Sea Canal!
After the holidays depart from a five-day binge, and get yourself on an unknown apartment in family shorts, old, torn, battered sailor.
Old age is found in the company's half-witted old grandsons who have produced your beloved children, whom you have always been taught how to live right !!!
Kick off at age 60 of a stroke, pleased the whole brood of children and grandchildren darling.
