Sources of inspiration or where to look for creative muse!

1. Favorite thing
There is no more powerful source of inspiration than a labor of love. If you do that brings you a real pleasure if you truly enjoy the process of creation - with the advent of the creative muse will be no problems.
2. People
Another great source of inspiration - it is the people around you. We are all different, and therefore the same situation different people see different ways, which helps to look at the problem from a "different angle" and see exactly the line that will allow you to create a masterpiece. Useful as easy to observe the behavior of others and their work - it creates in you a response.
3. Self-development
The process of self-development in itself a great source of inspiration for the permanent study of himself and the desire to do better awaken the desire to create, to reach new heights and be the best. Is not that what you want?
4. Media Products
Under media products I understand inspirational quotes, books, movies and music. If you do not have any thoughts and full of apathy, then watching your favorite movies, music or favorite band may well contribute to your return to a normal life and the emergence of new innovative ideas.
5. Alcohol
Yes, oddly enough, but alcohol also contributes to the appearance in the head unusual thoughts and emotions. I'm not sure what exactly it is related (most likely with a slight change of consciousness), but it works! For example I have, during the joint pyanok with friends at times there are interesting logical chain to which the sober mind, I would never have guessed.
6. Open the mind
Under an open mind in this case, I understand is a state of mind in which you are open to everything new. Inspiration - a delicate thing, it can come to you anywhere, even in a tram, at least in the pool.
7. Silence
Silence, absolute peace and quiet - it's like a breath of fresh air in the daily hustle and bustle and noise of the big city. It allows you to clear your mind and not in a hurry is to think about what you care about at the moment. I usually do this: disconnect all electronic devices that make noise and just sit on the floor with his back to the couch.
8. Love
Love - it's a great and had an inexhaustible source of inspiration. Status Love gives warmth and happiness, turns his head and gives any person of such a powerful boost of creativity that is just not to miss it and create, create, create ... because as one good man - "everything in the world revolves around women, and who does not understands that either impotent or an idiot ".
9. Experiments
It is also a great source of inspiration - a constant experimentation. The experiments on himself, his image, work, personal relations - so all that you want. Try new kinds of hairstyles and clothes, change your boring and boring work and let yourself fall in love with the very beautiful woman on this planet. Continuing stress constantly try something new in my life, and inspiration will always be next to you.
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