Novotolkovy Dictionary
Our lives are constantly break new terms. Slang, jargon, they are over time or go nowhere, or remain and take root. Some are funny, others are surprised by the accuracy of the created neologism. Something came out of the criminal world. In general, your attention
Abyssinian tax - bribery (Criminal slang)
Aquarium - a big old monitor (youth slang) Example: Threw Aquarium bought LCD
Accordion - brand cars - Honda Accord.Primer: How do you like the new accordion? I think in the old body better!
Balamutka - Raschetka document with the calculation of salaries, salary for the month.
Basivny geterast - bassist. (Musical slang)
Business Gel - Office lubricant (Vaseline or grease or any). Widely used among office workers. The crisis that arose in 2008, contributed to the large-scale spread of the term. As the slogan of a famous advertising parody "Business gel! In business, you or your business! "Most often the term is applicable in relation to the head of a subordinate or vice versa.
Example: Business gel stimulates the sale and does not cause irritation.
Abyssinian tax - bribery (Criminal slang)
Aquarium - a big old monitor (youth slang) Example: Threw Aquarium bought LCD
Accordion - brand cars - Honda Accord.Primer: How do you like the new accordion? I think in the old body better!
Balamutka - Raschetka document with the calculation of salaries, salary for the month.
Basivny geterast - bassist. (Musical slang)
Business Gel - Office lubricant (Vaseline or grease or any). Widely used among office workers. The crisis that arose in 2008, contributed to the large-scale spread of the term. As the slogan of a famous advertising parody "Business gel! In business, you or your business! "Most often the term is applicable in relation to the head of a subordinate or vice versa.
Example: Business gel stimulates the sale and does not cause irritation.