33 useful resource for Spanish conquest

Spanish - the second most popular language learning in the world. One of the reasons - ease of development: beginners do not have difficulty with pronunciation and grammar. Many researchers believe that soon this language can and does push the English and take pride of place among the first who want to learn a foreign language.
Website gathered for you the best free online resources to explore this temperamental language.
Online Courses h3>
Proespanol.ru - Spanish from scratch, a lot of interesting facts about the language of games, crosswords and techniques. Hispanistas.ru - books, audio , video, forums. A lot of useful and varied information. Lingvaclub.ru - learning a language from scratch, the basic vocabulary and grammar. 27espanol.com - A1 level, a lot of exercise. < Love-spain.ru - Spanish in the tables. Spanishgrammarguide.com - simple and intelligible Spanish online tutorial. Do not need to download or buy. Suitable for those who already know how to read in Spanish and knows the basic terms such as "noun", "adjective». Poligloty.blogspot.ru - 500 most important words of Spanish. Hispanista.ru - vocabulary, grammar, online lessons. bbc.co.uk - Portal BBC strongly supports the study of languages, including Spanish. Here are a variety of everyday situations, tests for knowledge of the Spanish language, are interesting links to the Spanish news sites, and even crossword puzzles. Studyspanish.com - pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, as well as guide the Spanish language school. Espato.ru - exercises on all topics and automatic verification of all announced. Donquijote.org - once a week to receive letters lesson to maintain the level of language. Online-spanish-course.com - various activities, including language cards record with native speakers, extensive vocabulary, daily delivery of lessons and much more. Babbel.com - here believe that learning should be fun and bring joy. Diplomas.cervantes.es - site preparation for the international exam DELE.Spanish social networking h3>
Instagram.com - the study of the Spanish language in the pictures. vk.com - «We like the Spanish" - the largest group for language learners . vk.com - «visual» Spanish. facebook.com - a lot of fun images and tables. facebook.com - group exercises. < /Video and audio resources h3>
YouTube.com - the reality show "Polyglot" - learn Spanish for 16 hours with Professor Petrov. Recursosdidacticos.es - dubbed collection texts. The texts are divided by genre (plays, stories, poetry, articles about culture, traditions). Spanishdict.com - free online courses with a variety of video tutorials. The program keeps track of your learning process and charges for it points. YouTube.com - Spanish lessons on YouTube. Cvc.cervantes.es - texts with explanations of the Cervantes Institute, which are divided into 3 level. For the most part posted detectives, so interesting to read. Lingus.tv - the video for different levels of understanding. Basically it represented everyday dialogue. In addition there are video text and the Spanish-English translation of the dialogues. es.euronews.net - European news channel, a section in Spanish. The great advantage of the channel is that each piece of news takes a short time. Combining picture, audio and text news, it allows you to train skills of reading, listening and pronunciation at one and the same text.dictionary h3>
Rae.es - Official Dictionary of the Spanish language. Wordreference.com - International Dictionary. Multitran.ru - the best dictionary and translator. Vocabulix.com - vocabulary.Applications h3>
Play.google.com - phrasebook. Itunes.apple.com - phrasebook.via itunes.apple.com/ru/app/russko-ispanskij-govorasij/id510967375?mt=8