Best hosting for the site. Server reliability, protection against DDoS attacks and technical support
The owner of any site is faced with the problem of choosing the right hosting provider. In order to choose the best hosting for your resource, you should pay attention to several important criteria. In particular, you need to focus on the ratio of uptime and downtime, the quality of protection against DDoS attacks, the availability of a test period, speed, efficiency of technical support and the location of servers.
Time of uptime and downtime
One of the main problems of any online resource is the inaccessibility of the server. In the presence of this problem, the site “lies”, and search robots almost write it off. Therefore, a simple server can provoke the disappearance of the site from the search results and the subsequent refusal to place contextual advertising. In addition, such downtime is sure to negatively affect the reputation of the site among its visitors. That is why website owners are recommended to opt for hosts that guarantee stable operation time of 99.9%.
Protection against DDoS attacks
For the smooth operation of Internet resources, a high level of protection against DDoS attacks should be provided, which can completely paralyze the work of both commercial and information sites. The result of such attacks is significant financial and information losses. Reliable protection against DDoS attacks is considered one of the prerequisites for ensuring the smooth operation of any online resource. For this purpose, the Arbor Networks special protection system is most often used. It provides high-quality traffic filtering and eliminates all known types of attacks.
Test period
The choice of provider may also be affected by the provision of a service such as a test period. Depending on the conditions of the host, this period can last from one week to several months. Using the service of the test period, the site owner will be able to assess the functionality and stability of the provider.
Speed of operation
The speed of the site affects not only the loyalty of users, but also the evaluation of the resource by search engines. That is why the speed of hosting should be at least 3-4 seconds.
It is worth recalling that the speed of work largely depends on the chosen tariff plan. Hosting a site on a regular server with many “neighbors” will significantly slow down its work. Given this fact, the ideal option is to rent a dedicated server that will withstand even a large influx of traffic.
Timeliness of technical support
In working with hosting, there are often situations where prompt technical support is needed. Therefore, the choice of a suitable hoster should be made taking into account the speed and quality of the response of technical support representatives.
Location of servers
The location of servers is also an important criterion. Internet resources that are advancing in the domestic market, it is advisable to make a choice in favor of hosters whose data centers are located in Russia. This is due to the fact that search engines take into account the location of the site. Therefore, in the search results, priority is given to local sites.
In conclusion, I would like to remind you that taking into account all the above criteria will quickly determine the best hosting provider for your site.

Time of uptime and downtime
One of the main problems of any online resource is the inaccessibility of the server. In the presence of this problem, the site “lies”, and search robots almost write it off. Therefore, a simple server can provoke the disappearance of the site from the search results and the subsequent refusal to place contextual advertising. In addition, such downtime is sure to negatively affect the reputation of the site among its visitors. That is why website owners are recommended to opt for hosts that guarantee stable operation time of 99.9%.
Protection against DDoS attacks
For the smooth operation of Internet resources, a high level of protection against DDoS attacks should be provided, which can completely paralyze the work of both commercial and information sites. The result of such attacks is significant financial and information losses. Reliable protection against DDoS attacks is considered one of the prerequisites for ensuring the smooth operation of any online resource. For this purpose, the Arbor Networks special protection system is most often used. It provides high-quality traffic filtering and eliminates all known types of attacks.
Test period
The choice of provider may also be affected by the provision of a service such as a test period. Depending on the conditions of the host, this period can last from one week to several months. Using the service of the test period, the site owner will be able to assess the functionality and stability of the provider.
Speed of operation
The speed of the site affects not only the loyalty of users, but also the evaluation of the resource by search engines. That is why the speed of hosting should be at least 3-4 seconds.
It is worth recalling that the speed of work largely depends on the chosen tariff plan. Hosting a site on a regular server with many “neighbors” will significantly slow down its work. Given this fact, the ideal option is to rent a dedicated server that will withstand even a large influx of traffic.

Timeliness of technical support
In working with hosting, there are often situations where prompt technical support is needed. Therefore, the choice of a suitable hoster should be made taking into account the speed and quality of the response of technical support representatives.
Location of servers
The location of servers is also an important criterion. Internet resources that are advancing in the domestic market, it is advisable to make a choice in favor of hosters whose data centers are located in Russia. This is due to the fact that search engines take into account the location of the site. Therefore, in the search results, priority is given to local sites.
In conclusion, I would like to remind you that taking into account all the above criteria will quickly determine the best hosting provider for your site.
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