Russian language
Dear friends!
We have been discussing with you the possibility of Albany and ethical use of language on the portal, and in the meantime to Minesterstva of Education and Science (for some reason it is written in small letters) come up with new rules of the Russian language.
From the news:
Since September 1, entered into force on the order of the RF Ministry of Education of 8 June 2009 determining the list of dictionaries, grammars and handbooks containing rules of modern Russian literary language.
The Ministry approved the list of dictionaries, considered exemplary in terms of the norms of the Russian language. From now on, the status of official authority are "Spelling dictionary of the Russian language" Bronislava Bookchin, Inna Sazonova and Lyudmila Cheltsov, "Grammatical Dictionary of Russian Language" edited by Andrei Zalizniak, "Dictionary of the stresses of the Russian language" Irina Reznichenko and "Big phrasebook Russian language" a culturalist comment Veronica Telia.
All disputes, the authors, including officials and teachers will be required to explain their position on these links only as dictionaries.
Spelling Dictionary, edited by Bookchin assigns to the word "coffee" is not only men, but neuter. "Internet" under the new rules now has to be written with a capital letter, and "Karate" instead of "Karate". And the word "betrothed" receding into the past - now people are getting married, are called "brachaschiesya».
With emphasis entirely free. Officially, you can now say "contract" and "contract", "yoghurt" and "yoghurt", "On Wednesdays" and "for the environment." However, fortunately, is the conjunction "that" is not replaced by "sho».
In the new list have gone missing most famous reference D. Rosenthal and full academic reference V. Lopatin, which contained more new words. Well at least the explanatory dictionary Dahl remained intact. However, in the Ministry of Education did not rule out that the list of official dictionaries can still supplement.
© ITAR-TASS, Komsomolskaya Pravda and other
I would like to discuss with you, do you think these changes are correct, progressive, so very necessary ...
We have been discussing with you the possibility of Albany and ethical use of language on the portal, and in the meantime to Minesterstva of Education and Science (for some reason it is written in small letters) come up with new rules of the Russian language.
From the news:
Since September 1, entered into force on the order of the RF Ministry of Education of 8 June 2009 determining the list of dictionaries, grammars and handbooks containing rules of modern Russian literary language.
The Ministry approved the list of dictionaries, considered exemplary in terms of the norms of the Russian language. From now on, the status of official authority are "Spelling dictionary of the Russian language" Bronislava Bookchin, Inna Sazonova and Lyudmila Cheltsov, "Grammatical Dictionary of Russian Language" edited by Andrei Zalizniak, "Dictionary of the stresses of the Russian language" Irina Reznichenko and "Big phrasebook Russian language" a culturalist comment Veronica Telia.
All disputes, the authors, including officials and teachers will be required to explain their position on these links only as dictionaries.
Spelling Dictionary, edited by Bookchin assigns to the word "coffee" is not only men, but neuter. "Internet" under the new rules now has to be written with a capital letter, and "Karate" instead of "Karate". And the word "betrothed" receding into the past - now people are getting married, are called "brachaschiesya».
With emphasis entirely free. Officially, you can now say "contract" and "contract", "yoghurt" and "yoghurt", "On Wednesdays" and "for the environment." However, fortunately, is the conjunction "that" is not replaced by "sho».
In the new list have gone missing most famous reference D. Rosenthal and full academic reference V. Lopatin, which contained more new words. Well at least the explanatory dictionary Dahl remained intact. However, in the Ministry of Education did not rule out that the list of official dictionaries can still supplement.
© ITAR-TASS, Komsomolskaya Pravda and other
I would like to discuss with you, do you think these changes are correct, progressive, so very necessary ...
