You grew up in the 90's if ...

Remember, as you are constantly buying Kinder surprises, and your entire home was littered with toys collection Hippo, penguin eggs and simply orange ...
Celebrating her birthday at McDonald's ...
All the while buying gum ruble with tattoos inside and constantly paste them yourself, and you remember advertising of "Boom, boom, boomers, super powerful explosion of the ruble, Boomer - a breakthrough»))) ...
As well as a collector of shells "Love is ..."
"Throw off the" Rock-paper-scissors, ...
Viewed on Fridays Field of Miracles with parents and secretly dreamed that your parents got on TV, so that you also got gifts from Leonid Yakubovich ...
Remember, such as the transmission:
- 100%
- Sesame Street
- Finest hour
- Call of the Jungle
- King of the Hill
- Very skillful hands of the transfer "While all the houses»
- Cam currently director and weaknesses (I always take a viiiideokameru ...)
Your favorite movies are "The Mask," "Dumb and Dumber," "Home Alone»
You recorded all on VHS on TV
Did you have a cassette Dance Paradise and Union
For hours listening to the radio "Europe + and Ultra" only to record a song that same century
Did you have a cassette player
Remember acid on the subway tokens
- Lou Bega «Mambo № 5»
- International Ivanushki
- Prodigy
- Limp Bizkit
- Andrei Gubin
- Murat Nasyrov
- On-to
- Arrows
- Hands Up
- Natalia Oreiro
- Backstreet Boys
- Britney Spears
- Spice girls
- Scooter
- Five
Bought magazines:
- Cool
- Cool Girl
And from zhuranalov All Stars and Hammer (read it under the desk) you always tore the posters and give light weight of his room
All the while drinking juice J7
Played constantly weave / chips / CNPF, exchanged them, have won, you have even had a special bit, which is considered to be sooo cool
Do you remember the Pokemon (PIKAAACHUUUUUUUU)
You or your friends are:
- Nintendo Gameboy (later appeared Coloured)
- Sega
- Play Station
- Yo-Yo
- Polly Pocket
- Tetris
We bought crackers "Emelya" or "Three crusts" 5 rubles
Played in Barbie and Ken, and was still Sinti, if you were a girl
All wore denim
For once in my life have launched firecrackers
Wore their hair parted in the middle
Collected Lego and designed a robot Transformers
Remember how your parents or grandparents watched "Santa Barbara" ... and watched them ...
Sometimes we watched "The Morning Show" on MTV
Remember mesh bracelets and collars, chains around his neck
Viewed STS and many different series:
- Xena Warrior Princess
- Hercules
- Charles in Charge
- Lisa, or the wonders of science
- Quantum Leap
- Beverly Hills 90210
- Charmed
- Ellen and the boys
And just watched "Wild Angel" and "Alf»
Fled to watch cartoons on weekends when parents yelling at the whole court, they began:
- Speed Racer
- Sailor Moon
- Tom and Jerry
- Aladdin
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
- Donald Duck
- Hunters anticipation
Albums with stickers collected based on various cartoons and exchanged nedastayuschimi stickers
You bought the lollipop, and you're constantly ... uh ... suck them
Remember juices from powder Zuko, Yuppii, Invite (Invaaaayt ... just add water)
We played in the "modern" Monopoly
You were Tamagotchi !!! (or even one)
They said:
-In Response to YOU:
Popa sniffing flowers,
Chamomile and not mine, your ass sniffing,
and the flowers are useful for you Zelezny
release an aroma through the rear unit
I sniffed, but all your
- Fakie, horns, fists - these are signs of love
- 100 pounds
You know how to dance Macarena
Troll collected
playing colorful spring-loaded with unpronounceable name (andomamiya or something ...)
painted paint one "magic marker pen" which was turned in different colors, as well as how you ponimte were sprayed markers and markers that change color ...