General rules of the game of darts
* Each player uses their own throws darts, length, which should not exceed 30, 5 cm (12 inches) and the weight, which must be no more than '50
* Each dart consists of the following components:
o sharpened needle is inserted into the body of the blunt end of a dart;
o metal body dart;
o stabilizer flight (it can, in turn, consist of three parts: a stabilizing tail, plumage protection and shank).
* BDO reserves the right to "sow" players in each competition, if it deems it necessary.
* All players and teams must comply with Rules Games BDO (British Darts Organization) and, where appropriate, any additional rules laid down in the program or the Regulation on the specific competition.
* All players and teams must comply with the requirements of the organizers and officials of BDO, if the competition is held under the auspices of BDO.
* All prizes received by players who need to be saved to return BDO, unless they are special and should be returned on special request BDO.
* Any player who violates the rules of BDO in any event, should be disqualified for a competition.
* Interpretation of the Rules of BDO in any event belongs to an officially appointed BDO organizers of this event, and their decision is final and binding on all parties.
* All data that served as the basis for such an interpretation should be given to the Board of Directors of BDO for consideration and possible subsequent revision of the Rules of BDO.
* Any dispute not able to be resolved through the application of the Rules of BDO, must be resolved by the Board of Directors of BDO, and its decision is final and binding on all parties.