Speaking of translation ...

Finnish Goodies:
The word «hui» uses the wildly popular among Finns.
Firstly, it is an interjection such as our "Oh!" Russian swearword in this case they are also known and upotreblinyut about how we - words like "fuck».
Secondly, they are clearly borrowed from us and this is the word formed from it a lot of the words. In many cases, you can even guess why these values have arisen new words.
For example:
* uyyari - a swindler, a crook, fraudster
* uyyata - indulge in fraud, deceit; scream, scream (joy); walk, carouse.
* uykea - huge, terrible, terrible, wild, dizzying
* uykennella - to lead a frivolous lifestyle raff; meander, wander, wander (Wed Russian "by a dick pear rambled»)
* uylata - rest
* a lot - a dizzying
* uypistua - culminate, reach the top of the lift; sharpened (* uypistun - I reach the top, I culminates !!! ...)))
* uyppu - the top, the top end
* * uyskin hayskin or uyyan Haiyang - mixed up, anyhow, somehow, upside down
huёpi - a tall man (uebische?)
yobbari - speculator, an unscrupulous businessman
yobbata - to speculate (obvious parallel with naёbyvat)))
yobin-post - post - by post, e-mail, message.
yobinposti - sad news
Still all our studying Finnish love the phrase "on thin ice": ohuella yeella.
Yet all are very fond of the word "rakastan" - "I love».
One my student to memorize it only as a "cancer arise».
Funny translations:
Manowar - King
Samovar - kradkoe biographer Stephen King
Blind Guardian - Follow the Blind
The guard pancakes - Follow pancakes
Immortal - Battles in north
Past the mouth - Bottles in northern
Iced Earth - Horror Show
Morozko - Good!
Obituary - Slowly we rot
Both creatures - the words in his mouth
Iron Maiden - Childhood's End
Iron virgin - detski end
W.A.S.P. (We are sexual perverts) - Wild Child
M.E.P.Z. (We have pisyukavy Sinister) - Dika Ditina
Bolt Thrower - Forever Fallen
Shaking Bolt - Eternal Nestoyak
Led Zeppelin - Moby Dick
Ice gashes - Moby Dick
Waltari - «Yeah! Yeah! Die! Die! »
Blisters - "Food !, Food!»
The rolling stones - This is a woman
Katilisya Kamenyuki - About Tse woman
Manowar- Battle Hymns
Samovar (alt. Title Chukchi War) - Anthem Bottles (Butylnye Hymns)
Metallica- Master of Puppets
Neperevadimaya game words- owner Pipettes (pharmacist)
Metallica- Welcome Home (Sanatarium)
Plugs at home orderly
The Clutch - Jam Room
Klyuchek - Room with pavidlom
Judas Priest - Painkiller
You Ahtunk Himself - killers Tägtgren
Queen II
Quinn - "Paftorim, skozat pachtmeyster ONET and drank na pyatnatstsatoy»
Children Of Bodom - Downfall
Kids with a hangover - Down foul!
Children Of Bodom - Follow the Reaper
Kids with a hangover - Follow rapper
Carcass - No love lost
The company "Frame" (metalworking, woodworking) - Do not catch fins
Pain - The same old song
Stump - Anthem section «Oldies»
Die Apocalyptischen Reiter - Hate
Die! In the meantime, Lipno quieter writer - Hata
Crematory - Tears of time
Grigoryan (or whatever his name is) - Break the fucking bourgeois newspaper "Times»
Iron Maiden - The Trooper
Iron maiden - not just the body, but much Trooper
Brave New World
Brave New World (ksttai this is no laughing proivzedenie Orwell exactly pereovditsya)
Ozzy Osbourne - mr. Crowley
Schyayan Schyischgktu - Mr Rabbit
Marduk - Sex With Satan
is the working title multfilma Sauze Park ...
Marduk - Holy Blood, Holy Grail
Mordyuk - Huyli tin * uyli grill ...
Dark Funeral - Ravenna Strigoi Mortii
Dork HRYuneral - Correctly trimmed and dead ... (horror, true)
Sodom - The Saw Is The Law
YSCHVSCH (who does not know it to ward off evil spirits) - hickey evil
DVAR - think it is the "word" in Hebrew - fuck
VMFK - Navy Cuba ... here it is the truth!
The Beatles - Rubber Soul
Bottles - ruble forty
The Beatles - Abbey Road
Bottles - Ruberoid
Pink Floyd - Obscured by Clouds
Lesbiyan Floyd - Apkurennyy Ablakame
Motorhead - We are Motorhead
Motorbashka - VIA Motorbashka
Yes - Talk
Ytyz - Talc
Rolling Stones - Aftermath
Rogues Groaning - Avtamat
Nightwish - Wishmaster
Nochnaya Louse - Manufacturer lice
Dimmu Borgir - Cataclysm Children
Dima Borghini (well, everybody knows) - Children feline enema
In Extremo - Herr Mannelig
The lookout - Horseradish Maneliga
Die Apokalyptischen Reiter - Iron Fist
Dead apocalyptic edition - Irons ahead! (planets apparently ...)
Black Sabbath - Electric Funeral
Dark Shalashsh - Electricians died
Rainbow - Rainbow Eyes
Rambo - Rambo Eyes
Rainbow-Sixteenth century greensleeves
Rambo - Shistnattsat quintals zilёnyh slivf
Death - Evil Dead
Grandfathers - Angry Santa
Annihilator - W.T.Y.D
AnnalnyyIngolyator (?) - V.T.U.D. (Take Axe Kill Woodpecker)
Motorhead - Ace of Spades
Smith - Master shovel
Human Mincer - Ghost Of The Past
Humanist - GOST for tomato paste
Human Mincer - Cerebral Torture
Humanist - cereal Turtle
Defiled - The Dormant Within
Killed nail file - Moores Hostels Inside
Carcass - Pedigree Butchery
Carcano Ass - What do Chappy
Impure - Skillful Killings
Unwashed - Bloodthirsty Skiers
Lock Up - Ego Pawn
The lowland Cup - Egg pledged
Einherjer - Odin Owns Ye All
One X * pp member (Ger.) - One of you cheated
Hypocrisy - Paled Empty Sphere
The crisis in the horse - Bun Vopotroshili and impaled
Christian Death - The Drowning
Christian Death - masturbate
Ball with the Goths - witch -shtorm (from the soundtrack to "X-Men»)
Coptic Rain- Gallery
smoked rain - about the gallery metallenda
Deftones - Lifter
Tons deffok - bra
Red Hot Chili Peppers - What It Is
Hot Estonian guys - sho UTB?
Powerman 5000 - Supernova goes pop
Pauerschikov 5000 - The newest pop
Ozzy Osbourne - Dreamer
Izzy Ostburg - Ode to moderator section Miscellaneous
Rossomahaar - The Moon, The Sun, The Stars
Ros fuck himself - Zamonal zassany old
ROYAL HUNT - Clown In The Mirror
Royal Hunt - Posmori in the mirror there - Clown
RHAPSODY - Queen Of The Dark Horizons
Rap with Audi (Audi - such as a steep mazafaker probably) - Karaleva dark (Chorny, niggas)
Mechanical sings - son stormy
DORO - Burn It Up
Dura - Burn it to the Top
DAMAGEPLAN - N.F.P. (New Found Power)
Assassination Plan - NNSP (Found a new strong plan)
FRAMESHIFT - In An Empty Room
Shit in a frame - on the wall in an empty room
Undressing young boys - ibanavrot
SYMPHONY X - Through The Looking Glass
X-th symphony - shit on eyes looking
Anathema - Sleepless
And what for - matted
Edge of Sanity - Demon I
The hedgehog in a sleigh - I Dimon, Dimon
Opera 9 - Esteban's Promise
A future version of veb browser - Promise uippana
Opera 9 - Fronds of the Ancient Walnut
Opera v7.53 build 3850 - Frodo valnut ancient
Behemoth - Sventevith (Storming near the Baltic) (Olbia)
Heffalump - Pig form (after the storm Baltiki9)