Ten natural Records

10th place: Known all shlyapochnye mushrooms grow for 3-6 days, die within 10-14 days. Mushrooms that make up lichens live up to 600 years.
9th place: carob (Ceratonia) from the family caesalpinioideae always gives the same seeds, weighing always exactly 0, 2 of these seeds as the weights used since antiquity jewelers. This measure is called the carat.
8th place: The most frequent lightning strikes in oak, spruce and pine, birch and rarely in little touches poplar, elm, hazel.
7th place: On Earth, living as insects, that each person has approximately 250 million. 80% of species of herbivorous insects, 15% - predators, 5% - bloodsuckers, Swarm, kaloedy. Insects annually consume 25% of the world harvest 30. As the analysis of stomach contents female mosquitoes caught around settlements, 80% of these insects feed on the blood of animals.
6th place: One bee family prepares for the summer to 150kg of honey. To collect 1 kg of honey, a bee should visit about 10 million flowers and bring up to 100 thousand. portions of nectar.
5th place: Bumblebee flight speed - 18 kilometers per hour; dragonfly - up to 96 kilometers per hour.
4th: During shedding some birds lost the ability to fly. For example, while wefts can not fly 20-35 days, swans - about 1 to 5 months.
3rd place: Ostrich - the only bird that has the bladder.
2nd place: Storks (Ciconia) during flights may periodically fall asleep on the fly for 10-15 minutes.
1st place: lapwing (Vanellus) quite common birds in our area. A feature of lapwing is his ability to put himself an enema, taking advantage of the long beak, which is typed portion of water.