★ From wrinkles and sagging skin:

Due to the negative impact ultrofialetovyh rays and free radicals collagen fibers that support the skin loses its elasticity (turgor), the skin grows old and wrinkles. This is especially noticeable after 45 - 50 years.
Effective tool in the fight against wrinkles and sagging skin is vitamin E - a great antioxidant. You can add it to all your cream that you use. To do this, carefully mix your daily cream with 5-7 drops of vitamin E oil.
And another recipe for the skin around the eyes:
Mix lanolin and almond oil in a ratio of 1: 1. Regularly apply at bedtime on clean skin, this cream. He smooths wrinkles, tightens the skin and makes it soft and smooth. This is an old recipe from the monastery of ancient books.
I hope that these recipes are creams you like and you add them to your arsenal of treatments for face and body. Despite the fact that this homemade cream of wrinkles and sagging skin, as they may not as effective as expensive and prestigious creams famous cosmetic companies, and also all-natural product.