Yahoo! enters the Russian market
The company is involved in talks about buying
one search portals Runet: it
It may be "Yandex" and "Rambler».
Separately, Yahoo is negotiating the purchase of one of the largest search portals Runet. This is Yahoo to enter the Russian market. Experts believe that the foreign company may buy "Yandex».
"Representatives of Yahoo came in Russia and is actively negotiating with our companies - said one of the participants in the negotiations. - Specific plans are still unclear, and how soon will happen the purchase is hard to say ».
The most interesting asset for Yahoo in terms of buying, market participants are called "Yandex", as one of the most popular Russian portals.
Not so long ago, "Yandex" has announced the IPO. "This behavior is typical for companies that are at a crossroads. In this situation it is really possible options - sale to a strategic investor or IPO. In the next six months or a year, we should expect some big deals ", - said one of the experts.
Other sources report that the delegation Yahoo and met with representatives of the "Rambler».
According to market participants, the minimum cost of "Yandex" - $ 1 billion. Company managers estimate it at 5 billion. Do Yahoo the money - is unknown.
Previously, Western experts have "sold" the Russian "Yandex". True if the buyer was to be Microsoft (who, of course, have the means to do). According to analysts, Microsoft must seek to expand its presence in markets outside the United States, rather than trying to become a monopolist in the country.
one search portals Runet: it
It may be "Yandex" and "Rambler».

Separately, Yahoo is negotiating the purchase of one of the largest search portals Runet. This is Yahoo to enter the Russian market. Experts believe that the foreign company may buy "Yandex».
"Representatives of Yahoo came in Russia and is actively negotiating with our companies - said one of the participants in the negotiations. - Specific plans are still unclear, and how soon will happen the purchase is hard to say ».
The most interesting asset for Yahoo in terms of buying, market participants are called "Yandex", as one of the most popular Russian portals.
Not so long ago, "Yandex" has announced the IPO. "This behavior is typical for companies that are at a crossroads. In this situation it is really possible options - sale to a strategic investor or IPO. In the next six months or a year, we should expect some big deals ", - said one of the experts.
Other sources report that the delegation Yahoo and met with representatives of the "Rambler».
According to market participants, the minimum cost of "Yandex" - $ 1 billion. Company managers estimate it at 5 billion. Do Yahoo the money - is unknown.
Previously, Western experts have "sold" the Russian "Yandex". True if the buyer was to be Microsoft (who, of course, have the means to do). According to analysts, Microsoft must seek to expand its presence in markets outside the United States, rather than trying to become a monopolist in the country.
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