Light illumination on buildings

In 2006, the tower in Vienna was complemented by 180,000 LEDs. Then watch the video as it looks.

 - National Belarusian Library:
in 2006, it appeared 4646 sevetodiodnyh lamps.
Architects: Victor Kramenkov and Mikhail Vinogradov.

 - Power plant in Drogenbos, Belgium.
In December 2005, the power plant established 8032 lamps.
Installation artist spent magic monkey.

This large multi-purpose room, we have it in the main s / c was developed brisac gonzalez architects and built in 2007.
At night the top of the building blocks collected from fluorescent slowly changes color.

 - AGBAR TOWER (candle), Barcelona.
In 4500 the tower installed LED lamps.
The architect of this miracle jean nouvel

 - Dexia, Brussels
In December 2006, the facade of the building has been transformed and supplemented by 150,000 LEDs. Illumination at the moment a little bit improved, and displays the weather forecast on the next day.