Garlands with LEDs or incandescent bulbs? Compare and choose the
Thirty seven million ninety thousand one hundred seventy four
If you want a beautiful festive garland, the issue price must not have key values. However, we still recommend you to pay attention to economical and long-lasting led models. Over many years of operation their cost completely pays for itself.
An assortment of garlands with svetodiodnye of the benefits of led lights over more traditional electrical "competitors" is the width and diversity of the product range. You can buy products for interior decoration or for use outdoors. But that's not all. You can create a unique decor with the help of forms, such as:
You can create an original light canopy over the bed or column on the wall, colorful paint window and door openings, to carry an unusual Christmas tree onto any surface.
As in the case of conventional bulbs, LEDs can illuminate and flash in certain periods of time. Note that incredible range is not the only plus of led illumination.
The advantages of garlands with svetodiodnye depending on the specific characteristics (number of diodes, their colors, etc.), led lights have a number of advantages:
Also note that in case of breakage of one bulb in Christmas lights no longer work others. With LEDs the situation is different. If one or several diodes fail, the illumination will not fade, spoiling the party.
If you want a beautiful festive garland, the issue price must not have key values. However, we still recommend you to pay attention to economical and long-lasting led models. Over many years of operation their cost completely pays for itself.

An assortment of garlands with svetodiodnye of the benefits of led lights over more traditional electrical "competitors" is the width and diversity of the product range. You can buy products for interior decoration or for use outdoors. But that's not all. You can create a unique decor with the help of forms, such as:
- Filament and grid;
- Fringe and rain;
- Curtains, etc.
You can create an original light canopy over the bed or column on the wall, colorful paint window and door openings, to carry an unusual Christmas tree onto any surface.
As in the case of conventional bulbs, LEDs can illuminate and flash in certain periods of time. Note that incredible range is not the only plus of led illumination.

The advantages of garlands with svetodiodnye depending on the specific characteristics (number of diodes, their colors, etc.), led lights have a number of advantages:
- Economical consumption of electricity. One of the main advantages of led illumination. It is of great importance in the case, if you decorate with garlands has a large area and/or the use of electric decoration is planned continuously for a long period of time;
- Garlands of various types can be connected to each other. You can decorate all walls of the apartment, and the entire facade of a country house entirely. Fear the giant electricity bills, as we have noted above, you do not need;
- Durability. Even in the open space led illumination will serve you for many years. Note that outdoor lighting decor created from silicone or rubber, so that they can successfully cope with any bad weather. Disable them can neither extreme cold, nor snow, nor rain. But don't confuse the model for the streets with garlands for interior decoration;
- The safety of using. The risk that the ignition occurs the LEDs is minimized. Since the diodes in the process, virtually no heat. Compared to ordinary incandescent bulbs, they increasingly conform to the norms of fire safety.
Also note that in case of breakage of one bulb in Christmas lights no longer work others. With LEDs the situation is different. If one or several diodes fail, the illumination will not fade, spoiling the party.