Electronics Stores, Hong Kong (17 photos)

You probably have heard that all the electronics are cheaper to buy in Hong Kong. Today I'll show you the typical Hong Kong electronics stores and talk about how I was trying to buy a new tele ...
Store photos on the cover was the greatest of them that I could find in Hong Kong. There are no huge MediaMarktov, Technos or Eldorado. Most electronic stores in Hong Kong do not exceed the size of the Messenger:

The main range of products - cameras, lenses, mobile phones and small accessories. TVs or washing machines can be found in only a few experts on the top floor of Times Square Mall or large stores on the streets near the station Mong Kok.

Often sellers are protective masks:

Major electronics stores are concentrated in the peninsula pendant or at the ferry terminal, or on streets at Mong Kok'a. The crisis here and not heard. The stores are not crowded by visitors. They roam the streets, going from one shop to another:

Notice how much all the motley streets. Asians are very fond of all the motley and bright. Cheap Chinese products are distinguished in the same riot of colors and lights. At the sight of such products I involuntarily sees the word "kitayschina." On the streets of Asian cities it is becoming clear, "where the legs grow." Only European brands, to design their products in the old world, is not affected by this.

In Hong Kong, I would like to purchase a new telephoto. Chose between sets:
CANON EF 400 mm f / 2.8 L IS USM + Extender EF 2x II
CANON EF 600 mm f / 4.0 L IS USM + Extender EF 2x II
As a result, after consultation, and weighing primerivany I opted for the latter package. In Moscow, a package worth 330 000 rub + 15,000 = 10,800 rubles usd
In the US, this kit is 9200 usd + 280 usd = 9480 usd on e-bay so you can buy a set of 7500 usd + 260 usd = 7760 usd + delivery to Russia and customs clearance
I agree on the price 7700 usd a set in one of the shops. Available anywhere it was not, but I promised to bring it the next day. Unfortunately, they did not manage to sell it for 20 hours that remained before my departure.
As if they have been set 400 + 2x for the same 7700 usd, despite the fact that in Moscow it's worth 9700 usd, but I have already set up a 600-ku, and it did not fly. Leave empty-handed did not want, and instead I bought a telephoto supershirik Fish Eye for 800 usd, despite the fact that we have it is 970 usd. Compare this picture shop made my old 16-35 and Fish:

The next morning at Disneyland, I made a couple funny photos with this lens:

In the evening I went up by cable car to Victoria Peak - the highest point in Hong Kong, which offers a magnificent panorama of the city: