The ideal mother with a child's perspective.

Children believe that the ideal mother bakes delicious cakes, allows them to wallow in the mud with impunity, and playing with them is not less than one and a half hours a day. What else, in their opinion, should make the best mom in the world, read on.
Most of the children said that the ideal mother should spend much time with them.
Mom must take back their children to school, not to scold them for what they again smeared all Clothing- do, and allowed to watch TV at any time of day or night, regardless of how they behaved. This conclusion was British sociologists, interviewing three thousand children from six to fifteen years.
► What is to be supermom
The initiator of the study was to Catherine Krafvord. She believes that modern mothers have to very hard, because they are trying to fit a certain Vat ideal image that inspires us to film and television.
"That is why we sometimes feel that we do everything wrong - says Krafvord The Daily Telegraph. - To stop worrying mother, we organized a study in koto rum asked children to describe the ideal mother. It turned out that in order to comply with their wishes, do not need to do anything supernatural ».
► What do the children?
"To my mother stopped caring, we organized a study in which children SOCA Sealy describe the ideal mother." It turns out that the children do not want to see next to a lady that everyone in the world knows and can do, from morning till evening of fun and an excellent cook amazing nye complex dishes. But they are in dire need of her mother, who every day gives them the love and attention as much as they want, and is always there if there were problems.
► buttons and conquer
Most of the children said that the ideal mother should spend much time with them, make it possible lyat comb his hair and fun to look at as they are busy on the street deep in mud. Even from his mother, claiming the title of "Lady perfection", a delicious Domash her pastries and fast food lunches and dinners - it is important that this activity does not in the least by more than 30 minutes.
Also, children would really like to see my mother did not appeal to them to wash the dishes. But all this is minor compared with the total for all respondents desire to mother them as often as possible la hugging and kissing. Half of the study participants also admitted that they want mom kazh dy evening read them before going to bed, and then some time later returned to poke beneath the blanket.
► The ideal mother should:
spending time with children (75%)
allow to help her prepare the food (60%)
help with homework (73%)
cooking school breakfast (58%)
always let you watch TV (71%)
often walk in the park with their children (54%)
love games (69%)
put the children to bed (53%)
constantly praise the children (66%)
resort as soon as it will call (51%)
be there when the child is bad (65%)
wash dishes and do not ask for her help (49%)
oven cakes and cupcakes (65%)
read to children at night (43%)
kissing and hugging children (63%)
dovozit to school and to visit friends (43%)
notice good deeds (63%)
rastrepyvat let their hair (42%)
ironed clothes (62%)
allow children to wallow in the mud (41%)