Dictionary of witchcraft in Russia ... (part 4)
Addition alloy - a magical spell posylanie performed usually by magic cord or chain. A variety of ligatures is magical cord that ties up the Wizard himself. This is done for two reasons:
1. Many Witches believe that restricting the movement of members of the body and preventing the passage of feelings, you can release the innate spellcasting energy and let it wander out of my body or in an invisible form, liberated from the body shell as a clairvoyant astral body, either in the form poluvidimogo, semi-material ghost. For a limited sense - Wear a mask ...
2. The use of ligatures for "confusing spells." During casting, the Wizard (Witch) tying knots in a certain way, on a specially prepared cord, and, burying it somewhere in the land, accompanying this action other spells. To remove this Spells, all actions are performed in reverse order. Here Ligature is more lenient punishment method compared Envoltirovaniem for ...
Omens (PRIVOROZHBA) - Russian natural magic method, aimed at creating an irresistible attraction of a particular person to another (encoding feelings). As a selfish thoughts the person asking the Wizard of omens, shade is black magic ...
BLACK CONSPIRACY - text, formulaic nature, bearing a negative character, called on the insidious message, applying damage to another person, evoking his illness, damage nasylanie ...
PLOT FOR BLOOD - in black magic, one of the most effective and violent methods of influence on a person over whose blood ritual is performed. Human blood (fresh or dried), is one of the main holders of information about a person. This is Sorcerer opportunities impact on the person. Astral blow, with different speed and high efficiency. Directional information gets into the person primarily through the eyes. Therefore, one of the main symptoms of defeat astral information is constriction of the pupils, if there is no other physiological reasons.
There is still a large number of different tools black magic, but they are derived from the above, or otherwise referred to in various parts of the Slavs of residence ...