Parade 2010 on Red Square

Gathering the press he was appointed for 7:30. As we carefully Arena (up to the scrutiny of lenses to the light) tested twice - at the entrance and before boarding the bus. Then he was taken to Vasilevsky descent and was taken to the place - I was in the sixth bullet that shot close to the central tribune (all media are divided into groups by events - the parade, the laying of wreaths and the like). Seventh pool photographed from the place of execution. I must say that the war of the First channel photojournalist continues to have a little parrot that "parade will not shoot - photographers prevent the picture." But then everything was settled, the press service tried to protect people with cameras and resolve the problem. In general, it should be noted that the staff of the Kremlin press service are worn with their wards press photographer as little children, to help them, was removed "foreign" to not close the point, keep it out of the lenses. Here, in its "ground" them to do so, of course, much easier than traveling abroad - in Oslo, for example, were constant skirmishes with the local police, who arranged most-Russian photojournalist "neblagopriyatstvovaniya».

On the right of the podium of the Mausoleum - a place for "VIPs". Who has not been there only yesterday. The leader of the Russian communists Zyuganov came to the Victory Parade, somehow, in a bright red jacket Nike.

Svetlana Medvedev came with Naina Yeltsin and veteran naval officer.

As written earlier, "party and government leaders" comrades Luzhkov Nurgaliyev, Zubkov, Ivanov joined them Stepashin.

The fact that the door to the Kremlin wall behind the Mausoleum of President came, it became clear that the track appeared on one of the "brim" Medvedev - Mikhail Klimentyev.

Sarkozy and Berlusconi canceled a trip to Moscow at the last moment because of problems with the euro, so yesterday for all "evroliderov" take the rap alone, Angela Merkel.

In the group that came to the area, along with Medvedev, he was the president of Israel Shimon Peres. I waved to him, Perez smiled but did not reply to swing.

While "honored guests" go to their places on the podium, they greeted the veterans. Especially warm grandparents met Wojciech Jaruzelski.

And veterans welcomed German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

The latest in the first row there was Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. He quickly shook hands with those who stood by, and stood between Frau Merkel and Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

The parade in Moscow, the commander of the Moscow Military District Colonel-General Valery Gerasimov.

Together with Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov, who took the parade, they drove around the square lined military units.

Dmitry Medvedev delivered his speech.

Ms. Merkel was sitting with a serious look on his face and was leafing through a booklet with the text of the President's speech. Putin looked at the photographers.

Guards with sleeper bulletproof shields as portfolios were along the line of the central rostrum.

They interfere with television beautiful picture! In the center, in a suit and two cameras in hand - already known to you, "brim" President Dmitry Astakhov.

We played the national anthem, commanded about "on one line - distance" and hits rolled on thumb track already.

If I am not mistaken, the Armenian servicemen - Soviet officers parade belts. Anyway, something very similar to them. Funny look at camouflage.

Poles paced with very serious faces.

The British Royal Guards some problem with white gloves. They only lasted for one soldier who was the first to land. He's still as if on purpose, was the smallest and stomach. So it should be, apparently. Forgot your gloves at home, probably. Now the Queen will fall, not otherwise.

And they are there in their bearskin hats see - is unclear. This one, far left, is already does not seem to know where to go. Comrade him something tells.

Here, the Americans with gloves was all right.

And the French too. "Normandy-Neman" - handsome. Gone are the square as passed.

Turkmen horse and rider - Good deal for this parade. An officer in a funny cap progartseval area something shouting from time to time. Cheered the horse, apparently.

Even the Turkmen soldiers were shouting in the ranks. Something about Turkmenbashi, maybe.

From our, as always, the best desantura passed. With such a brutal drive that flew heels. The form they would only change to something more modern and without aiguillettes.

The most interesting thing in the parade - military equipment. On one of the T-34 was traveling with the camera operator - certainly from the first channel (I have not seen the broadcast).

The farther away - the bigger and scarier. Foreign guests uncomfortable.

Dmitry Medvedev left the square in Alexandrovsky Garden along with President Hu Jintao and Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev.

Mode on the area rented, the guests began to disperse. Photographers veterans took off, and then went to the press room to drink tea with cakes.

Hero of the Soviet Union in this picture - '91.
Thank you for having inspected up to the end. Congratulations to you all!
Photo: © drugoi