Love is the most romantic phrase of the famous gum

Introduction. When it comes to expressing feelings in the most concise and cute way, most of us recall tiny inserts that say “Love is...” These short phrases outlined, accompanied by naive but touching drawings, for many years convey a simple and eternal idea: “Love is...” It is funny that the candies themselves or "gum" often go into the shadow, because all attention is drawn by the content of the insert - that small but capacious "formula of love", which many of us in childhood or youth collected, gave to friends and loved ones.
But like any cult thing, "Love is..." has its own story and its own hidden message. In this article, we will trace the origins of this phenomenon, remember how a modest chewing gum with simple comics became a fashionable artifact, and give the most romantic and memorable phrases from its inserts. Perhaps they will not only bring a smile, but also remind you that love is not loud slogans, but everyday small gestures and details. And, perhaps, you want to plunge again into nostalgia or even “pass a piece of romance” to a loved one.
The short story of "Love is..."
For the first time, the cute comics “Love is...” appeared not in the form of inserts for gum, but as sketches by New Zealand artist Kim Casali in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Initially, they were just funny illustrations that Kim prepared as a gift for her future husband. Then these drawings became so popular that they grew into a series of comics "Love is..." printed in newspapers and magazines. Later, one of the companies specializing in confectionery, decided to use these comics on the inserts to chewing gum. Thus began the “age of Love is...” as gum, spread all over the world.
Popularity in Russia and the post-Soviet space came in the 1990s, when the market began to fill with imports. Small inserts with “cartoon” characters resembling a boy and a girl, conquered with simplicity: “Love is... to care, even when tired”, “Love is... to understand without words”. The phrase “Love is...” became a kind of meme before memes even entered our culture.

Idea and Phenomenon: Why is "Love Is..." so catchy?
What's the secret to this little piece of paper? Psychologists emphasize that, despite all the simplicity, “Love is...” gives a microdose of endorphins through association with something kind and cozy. A pair of tiny characters - a boy and a girl - are always in love, despite any small things. Their examples of actions remind us that love is not in magnificent gestures, but in banal, but touching moments. And perhaps it is this “immediacy” that touches our hearts.
- The nostalgia factor: Many people remember the “Love is...” gum from childhood, which means that every reminder of these inserts is associated with carefree times, friendship, love and romance of school years.
- Universal language: Short phrases on the inserts are clear to everyone. These are mini-principles about caring, supporting, laughing together, the key elements that make a relationship warmer.
20 of the most romantic phrases “Love is...”, causing a smile and warmth
Below is a selection of 20 such messages that once flashed on the liners or in the spirit of the classic drawings of Kim Kasali. Of course, the texts varied, depending on the language versions and release. But the content invariably states that love is something everyday, but amazing.
- Love is... Get a good morning message before the alarm clock.
- Love is... Embrace when no one sees and feel happy.
- Love is... “Not arguing about who washes the dishes, but doing it together.”
- Love is... Know the name of her (or his) teddy bear.
- Love is... Support when he/she decides to quit his/her job and start over.
- Love is... “Share the last piece of pizza, even though you really want to eat it.”
- Love is... Stop the offense before going to bed.
- Love is... Enjoy long walks in the rain when your other half is nearby.
- Love is... “Looking into each other’s eyes, forgetting the imperfections of the world.”
- Love is... Plan for the future, but respect everyone’s dreams.
- Love is... Keep a photo of your first meeting in your wallet.
- Love is... Distribute the joy of every victory equally.
- Love is... Don’t be afraid to look stupid when you want to surprise yourself.
- Love is... Stay with the company at night if the partner is having anxious thoughts.
- Love is... “Grow together without sacrificing your individuality.”
- Love is... "Remember everyone's tastes, allergies and little quirks."
- Love is... To support, even if you do not understand the whole idea, but believe in its author.
- Love is... “Smile stealthily at the mention of his name as if it were a secret.”
- Love is... “I enjoy watching a movie that you don’t like, but someone else does.”
- Love is... “To find words when they are not, or to be silent when it speaks of love more strongly.”
The Psychological Roots of the “Love Is” Effect
If you look deeper, you can see that the phrase “Love is...” turns an abstract feeling into a series of specific behavioral manifestations and emotional gestures. Psychologists call this “conceptualization through specifics”: it is easier to understand and remember that love is, for example, “share the last piece of cake” than just the loud phrase “Love is beautiful.” This way of thinking translates the relationship into the clear language of little good deeds.
According to neuropsychological research, when we visualize and verbalize something (be it “I love you” or “I want to take care of you”), the brain reinforces these behaviors. Therefore, regularly reading or watching the comics “Love is...” can actually slightly “relearn” us to notice and appreciate simple gestures in a relationship.
The surviving symbol of romance: what is behind this phenomenon
In the wake of nostalgia, some people continue to “collect” these inserts, and entire sets of retro variants are sold online. Some come in the form of icons, postcards, stickers. The secret to the longevity of “Love is...” is not only in design and quotes, but also in the special atmosphere associated with the “vibration” of tenderness and simplicity that they carry.
“Love is...” is not a child’s artifact. For adults, these little romcom sketches remind us that behind the noise of everyday worries lie real values: share, support, smile. And in addition, this brand is unique in its ability to be timeless – because love in one form or another will always be a topical topic, and the “way of explanation” through cute pictures is almost not subject to aging.
“Love is...” is much more than just the chewing gum that once filled store shelves. It is a phenomenon reminiscent of the power of words (even if very short) and simple illustrations to awaken deeply human feelings in us. Love really consists of “tiny moments”: joint breakfasts, concern for well-being, the ability to listen, gratitude for something tiny. And when we read one of the quotes, “Love is...”, perhaps our brains return for a moment to warm memories, and our hearts are tuned into a romantic way.
Today, in the era of digital communication and virtual emojis, such pictures can seem simple. But they prove that sometimes the strongest feeling is expressed in a minimalist phrase and a childish drawing. Let these 20 romantic phrases serve as a reminder that you can appreciate and love in detail: kind words, an extra minute of hugging, uncritical support. And if you want a little more romance and positivity, remember that “Love is... not dead,” it can be reborn in every heartfelt gesture you give to others.
It is not necessary to wait for a holiday or a special occasion to show feelings, it is enough to “see” in everyday trifles the opportunity to say: “Love is... hold hands, even if you just go to the store.” And who knows, maybe these words will awaken someone’s smile, warmth and gratitude. Sometimes there is real magic in simple truths.
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