Why does your neighbor have beautiful and large cucumbers, and you have frail ones?
Whatever the weather on the street, summer residents will always be interested in how it would be more correct and profitable for themselves to plant at least a couple of new plants. And if it comes to that, sprinkle - so it's gonna be a furor. Drip watering or jetting, use chemistry or it is better to abstain. Which is better, water the roots or stay on the leaves? All that stuff.
The older generation is sure that caring for a cucumber is something like growing a weed. Pour the seeds into the ground, do not forget to pour some water, they will rise on their own, and then reach for the sun. And if there is a crop failure, well, then it happens. So that was a year. It's too hot. Or too cold when you like. We offer our readers up-to-date information on how to grow a generous and healthy harvest of cucumbers, acting exclusively according to scientific methods. So that you don't miss or fail. If you do something, do it right!
Well, let's get started on cucumbers. In the circles of gardeners-amateurs for some reason, a completely wrong idea has taken root that cucumber is an undemanding and very tenacious plant. In any case, it will give fruit, will not offend the summer resident, just you need to apply at least some basic actions to him. That's it. In short, cucumbers are like squash. Only zucchini and something to do, but with cucumbers you can still cook something tolerable. Well, that's bullshit.
Yes, there is some truth in all this, cucumbers will really give some exhaust. But! Do you know how many fruits should be from one bush? We'll answer. Minimum The harvest from one bush should be at least 8 kilograms. That is, for example, for one season from ten bushes, a summer resident should receive, once again, at least 80 kilograms of crop! Masters of their craft receive and 120 kg per season from 10 bushes. Which, by the way, they last, on average, about 60 days. Here we go. Do you have the same numbers? Well, congratulations, you're a pro.
For everyone else, we would advise the following: pump up knowledge and take your occupation more seriously. It's not quantum physics, it takes a little theory and a lot of practice. And you need a cucumber, too. practiceLike any other fruit plant. And if you don't give him enough attention, he'll react. By the way, a change in the appearance of the cucumber can occur in less than one hour. We understand that it sounds intimidating, but an experienced summer resident knows well that a plant that has survived stress will not give a good harvest.
Next, oh varieties. The eternal question is which one is better. And arguments, arguments, arguments. People, especially those who have a passion for some kind of leisure, generally love to debate. But in this regard, the “gureniks” have a special rank. It is a pity that no one at the same time does not take into account the temperature of the terrain, the features of the soil, the possibility of irrigation and so on. But you're always welcome to argue. But varieties are early, late, visually diverse, for canned food, for salads, resistant to drought, cold, even those that just bear fruit longer! So which one is better?!
Another mistake of an amateur gardener is to play with cucumbers in Aibolita. No, not the one who "probably has the power of the earth." And in the sense of a doctor who makes a diagnosis by appearance. “Yellow leaves? They're the ones who baked! No, cucumbers generally consist mostly of water. And in greenhouses the temperature is higher than in the air. Nothing, growing and greening. So, maybe the problem is a disease or pest? Yeah, but you gotta figure it out, not guess.
If not. feed Plant, then you also need to act in the mind. You need to know how to sprinkle cucumbers and when to do it. First, find out the acidity of the soil, generally conduct tests. What did you think? And then, based on the data obtained, choose what will suit the cucumber best. For them, fertilization and chemistry are like drugs from a pharmacy for people. Not realizing that with a patient and acting at random, you can give a person with the flu contraceptives. So it is. We need to turn on the thinking.
Watering cucumbers also needs to be correct. An adult bush needs 10 liters of water to reproduce a kilogram of cucumbers, you know? Moreover, the most interesting thing is that the plant prefers to take most of the moisture not through the root system, but superficially. Through leaves and stems. That is, you will often have to go to your green pets with a watering bowl or spray gun. What to do if you want to get a good harvest? The earth, by the way, must also pass air. Another reason not to make a “swamp” under the bush.
Yes, and learn. shape the bush. It doesn’t just have to be beautiful to take a good photo. Try to organize it as vertically as possible, you know why. To make it fit. And the ways to do that are dark. Only some of them can allocate an entire article, or even more. But we advise you to just look for a video of the process. It'll be better.
A couple more. counsel Little things. The whole “tool” for cucumbers must be purchased in advance. So you don’t have to run and find a cheap replacement. Sticks, ropes, twine, nets, shoulder blades and other supplies should always be at hand. Then this activity can really bring pleasure. And without him, doing the dacha is such an occupation. Then I really need to think about whether I should buy all this greenery in the store.
Growing cucumbers requires attention and care, but the result justifies all efforts. Proper soil preparation, timely planting, regular care, watering and spraying help to get healthy and tasty fruits. You need to know how to sprinkle cucumbers and when. Following these recommendations, you can grow a rich harvest of cucumbers and enjoy fresh vegetables all season. Try to regularly inspect plants, react in a timely manner to the appearance of pests and diseases, and then your garden will always be happy with a plentiful harvest.

The older generation is sure that caring for a cucumber is something like growing a weed. Pour the seeds into the ground, do not forget to pour some water, they will rise on their own, and then reach for the sun. And if there is a crop failure, well, then it happens. So that was a year. It's too hot. Or too cold when you like. We offer our readers up-to-date information on how to grow a generous and healthy harvest of cucumbers, acting exclusively according to scientific methods. So that you don't miss or fail. If you do something, do it right!
Well, let's get started on cucumbers. In the circles of gardeners-amateurs for some reason, a completely wrong idea has taken root that cucumber is an undemanding and very tenacious plant. In any case, it will give fruit, will not offend the summer resident, just you need to apply at least some basic actions to him. That's it. In short, cucumbers are like squash. Only zucchini and something to do, but with cucumbers you can still cook something tolerable. Well, that's bullshit.

Yes, there is some truth in all this, cucumbers will really give some exhaust. But! Do you know how many fruits should be from one bush? We'll answer. Minimum The harvest from one bush should be at least 8 kilograms. That is, for example, for one season from ten bushes, a summer resident should receive, once again, at least 80 kilograms of crop! Masters of their craft receive and 120 kg per season from 10 bushes. Which, by the way, they last, on average, about 60 days. Here we go. Do you have the same numbers? Well, congratulations, you're a pro.
For everyone else, we would advise the following: pump up knowledge and take your occupation more seriously. It's not quantum physics, it takes a little theory and a lot of practice. And you need a cucumber, too. practiceLike any other fruit plant. And if you don't give him enough attention, he'll react. By the way, a change in the appearance of the cucumber can occur in less than one hour. We understand that it sounds intimidating, but an experienced summer resident knows well that a plant that has survived stress will not give a good harvest.

Next, oh varieties. The eternal question is which one is better. And arguments, arguments, arguments. People, especially those who have a passion for some kind of leisure, generally love to debate. But in this regard, the “gureniks” have a special rank. It is a pity that no one at the same time does not take into account the temperature of the terrain, the features of the soil, the possibility of irrigation and so on. But you're always welcome to argue. But varieties are early, late, visually diverse, for canned food, for salads, resistant to drought, cold, even those that just bear fruit longer! So which one is better?!
Another mistake of an amateur gardener is to play with cucumbers in Aibolita. No, not the one who "probably has the power of the earth." And in the sense of a doctor who makes a diagnosis by appearance. “Yellow leaves? They're the ones who baked! No, cucumbers generally consist mostly of water. And in greenhouses the temperature is higher than in the air. Nothing, growing and greening. So, maybe the problem is a disease or pest? Yeah, but you gotta figure it out, not guess.

If not. feed Plant, then you also need to act in the mind. You need to know how to sprinkle cucumbers and when to do it. First, find out the acidity of the soil, generally conduct tests. What did you think? And then, based on the data obtained, choose what will suit the cucumber best. For them, fertilization and chemistry are like drugs from a pharmacy for people. Not realizing that with a patient and acting at random, you can give a person with the flu contraceptives. So it is. We need to turn on the thinking.
Watering cucumbers also needs to be correct. An adult bush needs 10 liters of water to reproduce a kilogram of cucumbers, you know? Moreover, the most interesting thing is that the plant prefers to take most of the moisture not through the root system, but superficially. Through leaves and stems. That is, you will often have to go to your green pets with a watering bowl or spray gun. What to do if you want to get a good harvest? The earth, by the way, must also pass air. Another reason not to make a “swamp” under the bush.

Yes, and learn. shape the bush. It doesn’t just have to be beautiful to take a good photo. Try to organize it as vertically as possible, you know why. To make it fit. And the ways to do that are dark. Only some of them can allocate an entire article, or even more. But we advise you to just look for a video of the process. It'll be better.
A couple more. counsel Little things. The whole “tool” for cucumbers must be purchased in advance. So you don’t have to run and find a cheap replacement. Sticks, ropes, twine, nets, shoulder blades and other supplies should always be at hand. Then this activity can really bring pleasure. And without him, doing the dacha is such an occupation. Then I really need to think about whether I should buy all this greenery in the store.

Growing cucumbers requires attention and care, but the result justifies all efforts. Proper soil preparation, timely planting, regular care, watering and spraying help to get healthy and tasty fruits. You need to know how to sprinkle cucumbers and when. Following these recommendations, you can grow a rich harvest of cucumbers and enjoy fresh vegetables all season. Try to regularly inspect plants, react in a timely manner to the appearance of pests and diseases, and then your garden will always be happy with a plentiful harvest.
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