All evil and corruption will return to your enemies if you tie a black thread on this plant
It doesn't matter what trouble your enemies have in store for you. What matters most is how you react to it. Our emotions are a powerful energy impulse. Negative emotions can greatly harm your health and well-being. If you are very worried after communicating with some person who is unpleasant to you. If you feel unwell and weak. The black thread will help you get rid of unpleasant sensations. And what to do with it, the editors of the “Site” will tell you in detail.
How you react to negativity matters a lot. If a person said unpleasant words to you or wished you bad things. How do you usually react to this? In most cases, people get very upset and start to get nervous. This all reinforces the negative message that the other person told you. Your negative emotions begin to play against you. Your self-esteem begins to fall, things begin to go less successfully. This is especially noticeable when some changes are coming in your life. You have planned and thought through everything, but everything starts to go wrong.
Black thread from negativity and evil The most important thing is to learn to perceive any negativity addressed to you with a cold heart and head. Your self-esteem should not decrease just because someone doesn't like you. Your successes are your merit, your work. Often people envy other people's success, without thinking about how much effort, energy, and time was invested. People see the end result and often it makes them angry. They are ready to say nasty things to a person, send damage and troubles to him. Human envy and anger can do terrible things. The main thing is to learn to drive it away from yourself and not take it to heart.
And to finally calm down and not attract negativity to yourself, use a simple method. This ritual came to us a long time ago from ancient shamans. They often used it in their practice and helped other people. Nature bestows strength and knowledge on selected people. And they, in turn, share their acquired knowledge with others. The main thing is to always remember that the natural balance should not be disturbed. Therefore, to use this ritual, take care of treats for the inhabitants of nature in advance. It could be bread or some kind of fruit, a piece of cheese or cookies.
Ritual against damage and bad words The ritual can be performed on any day, regardless of the phase of the moon. It is advisable to do this during the day or in the morning. When you feel that some person wished you not very good things. Take the black thread. It doesn’t matter what quality and thickness it will be. Cut off 10-15 centimeters and go for a walk in the nearest park or forest. Where trees grow and are not very crowded. Choose a suitable tree for yourself and approach it. Take the prepared thread and tie it to any branch from the very edge. And say the following words: “I break the branch, I cut off the evil from myself (say your name). The branches dry up, the evil returns home.”
Break off the twig on which the thread is tied, about five centimeters and throw it under the tree in the grass. Place the prepared treat under the tree and return home. Be sure to wash your face with cold water immediately. After a short time, you will notice that the enemy has received back his negative emotions and wishes. And normal health, success and well-being will return to you again.

How you react to negativity matters a lot. If a person said unpleasant words to you or wished you bad things. How do you usually react to this? In most cases, people get very upset and start to get nervous. This all reinforces the negative message that the other person told you. Your negative emotions begin to play against you. Your self-esteem begins to fall, things begin to go less successfully. This is especially noticeable when some changes are coming in your life. You have planned and thought through everything, but everything starts to go wrong.

Black thread from negativity and evil The most important thing is to learn to perceive any negativity addressed to you with a cold heart and head. Your self-esteem should not decrease just because someone doesn't like you. Your successes are your merit, your work. Often people envy other people's success, without thinking about how much effort, energy, and time was invested. People see the end result and often it makes them angry. They are ready to say nasty things to a person, send damage and troubles to him. Human envy and anger can do terrible things. The main thing is to learn to drive it away from yourself and not take it to heart.

And to finally calm down and not attract negativity to yourself, use a simple method. This ritual came to us a long time ago from ancient shamans. They often used it in their practice and helped other people. Nature bestows strength and knowledge on selected people. And they, in turn, share their acquired knowledge with others. The main thing is to always remember that the natural balance should not be disturbed. Therefore, to use this ritual, take care of treats for the inhabitants of nature in advance. It could be bread or some kind of fruit, a piece of cheese or cookies.

Ritual against damage and bad words The ritual can be performed on any day, regardless of the phase of the moon. It is advisable to do this during the day or in the morning. When you feel that some person wished you not very good things. Take the black thread. It doesn’t matter what quality and thickness it will be. Cut off 10-15 centimeters and go for a walk in the nearest park or forest. Where trees grow and are not very crowded. Choose a suitable tree for yourself and approach it. Take the prepared thread and tie it to any branch from the very edge. And say the following words: “I break the branch, I cut off the evil from myself (say your name). The branches dry up, the evil returns home.”

Break off the twig on which the thread is tied, about five centimeters and throw it under the tree in the grass. Place the prepared treat under the tree and return home. Be sure to wash your face with cold water immediately. After a short time, you will notice that the enemy has received back his negative emotions and wishes. And normal health, success and well-being will return to you again.
When there is no escape from the heat, I cook Jewish cold soup, life immediately becomes easier
A friend called and said that tomorrow she was leaving for Egypt with her boyfriend, one little matter needed to be resolved