Than village grandmothers fed children in Soviet times, there is no more delicious food
How sweet to remember our magical childhood! Here you come to Grandma's in the country for the summer holidays, and there are three carefree months of adventure without boring homework and lessons. And the most delicious country food in the world. To weave her by both cheeks after a whole day in the fresh air was the bliss of the highest standard.
Hot grandmother's pancakes, cheesecakes and cakes with a glass of sweet steamed milk, fresh honey from the apiary, boiled potatoes with squarks, garlic and dill. Or a simple hump of black bread sprinkled with salt. Delicious! Let's remember what else the grandchildren and granddaughters of Soviet grandmothers were treated to.
Today you can easily rush to the nearest food store and buy overseas “snickers”, “bounty” and “emendams” for any taste and color. But 50 or 60 years ago, such food generosity was still a curiosity. And the village children begged their grandmothers for homemade sweets.
The ingenuity of the old women was not denied! They cooked homemade condensed condensed, drowned sugar in a pan. And even made lollipops, cooked from sugar with milk toasts, baked homemade cookies. In the morning a little sleepy waiting for a slide of freshly baked pancakes. Or cheesecakes and rosy sour cream pretzels. Even a simple lush bun with a mug of milk went hurrah.
Sometimes instead of candy village craftsmen cooked boys. This is an old dish made of beets, carrots, trousers or turnips. Vegetables were cut into oblong slices. And then for a long time languished in the oven in cast-iron pots without water. It was sweet and useful.
And if Grandma had an apiary, you hit the jackpot. You could eat fresh honey straight from the wax honeycombs and treat all your village friends.
You could organize a dessert from a simple cookie "Jubilee". It was lubricated with oil, honey or jam. And on top laid another cookie and blissfully ate a sweet sandwich. Someone grinded cherry or raspberries with sugar, added some water and spread fragrant paste on bread.
In order not to be particularly wise, a quick dessert was prepared from fresh berries. Tore a large cup of black and red currants, gooseberry and raspberries, stirred with sugar and blissfully swung in a hammock, enjoying the sour-sweet elegy of summer.
Come for lunch! For lunch and dinner, the baby was waiting for a brewed soup from a thundering cockerel in the morning. On the second - potatoes in dozens of variations. Fried with freshly picked redheads and foxes, boiled with fragrant sunflower oil or simply in uniforms with garlic and salt.
When the piglet was pricked, it was time for homemade sausages, blood, cutlets, kladtsy, beef and, of course, gentle stove. And the baby often fell scorched pig's eye or tail. Weave it in the fresh air, fearlessly watching the cutting of the pigs. The spectacle was not for the faint of heart, and we did not grow up timid ten!
The starving baby did not disdain foot feed. She could raid someone's sorrel bed, drink sweet juice from acacia flowers, or eat sour leaves from barberry bushes.
Then about snacks like chips, crackers and dry instant noodles, we did not know. In order not to get hungry, they ran out to walk with a hump of black bread, generously sprinkled with salt and grated garlic. The delicacy had variations: bread could be moistened with sunflower oil and salted or poured with water and sprinkled with sugar. And if you lubricate a hump of white bread with margarine and honey, you will not drag it by the ears of such tastiness!
I came to my grandmother in the village: shop desserts Plenty saturated with grandmother’s cooking, you could walk to the local salpo and fill your pockets with candy. At that time, good chocolates were worth their weight in gold, so young people tested their teeth for strength with toffees "Kitty-kitty", milk fudges "School" and "sea pebbles" - multicolored sugar glaze with raisins.
It was a great luck to get peanuts in hard sugar glaze. For lovers of chewing in the selpo brought coffee with milk and cocoa in pressed cubes. Someone poured them with boiling water and used them as a drink. But it was tastier to chew a chocolate cube, and also - a jelly briquette or even fruit and strawberry tea in tiles.
An omnivorous Soviet child was crazy about tofoil, which tasted like cocoa, but was many times more nutritious. It was prepared from cereals: first cleaned, steamed, dried, and then slightly fried and grinded in a stupa. Then the flour was mixed with cool water and salted. Thickened trofokno could be sculpted like plasticine, and then with appetite to eat homemade figurines.
We remembered not all delicacies come from the village childhood of a Soviet child and not only. And what past goodies are forever minted in your memory? Let’s get together in the comments!
Hot grandmother's pancakes, cheesecakes and cakes with a glass of sweet steamed milk, fresh honey from the apiary, boiled potatoes with squarks, garlic and dill. Or a simple hump of black bread sprinkled with salt. Delicious! Let's remember what else the grandchildren and granddaughters of Soviet grandmothers were treated to.

Today you can easily rush to the nearest food store and buy overseas “snickers”, “bounty” and “emendams” for any taste and color. But 50 or 60 years ago, such food generosity was still a curiosity. And the village children begged their grandmothers for homemade sweets.
The ingenuity of the old women was not denied! They cooked homemade condensed condensed, drowned sugar in a pan. And even made lollipops, cooked from sugar with milk toasts, baked homemade cookies. In the morning a little sleepy waiting for a slide of freshly baked pancakes. Or cheesecakes and rosy sour cream pretzels. Even a simple lush bun with a mug of milk went hurrah.

Sometimes instead of candy village craftsmen cooked boys. This is an old dish made of beets, carrots, trousers or turnips. Vegetables were cut into oblong slices. And then for a long time languished in the oven in cast-iron pots without water. It was sweet and useful.
And if Grandma had an apiary, you hit the jackpot. You could eat fresh honey straight from the wax honeycombs and treat all your village friends.
You could organize a dessert from a simple cookie "Jubilee". It was lubricated with oil, honey or jam. And on top laid another cookie and blissfully ate a sweet sandwich. Someone grinded cherry or raspberries with sugar, added some water and spread fragrant paste on bread.

In order not to be particularly wise, a quick dessert was prepared from fresh berries. Tore a large cup of black and red currants, gooseberry and raspberries, stirred with sugar and blissfully swung in a hammock, enjoying the sour-sweet elegy of summer.
Come for lunch! For lunch and dinner, the baby was waiting for a brewed soup from a thundering cockerel in the morning. On the second - potatoes in dozens of variations. Fried with freshly picked redheads and foxes, boiled with fragrant sunflower oil or simply in uniforms with garlic and salt.
When the piglet was pricked, it was time for homemade sausages, blood, cutlets, kladtsy, beef and, of course, gentle stove. And the baby often fell scorched pig's eye or tail. Weave it in the fresh air, fearlessly watching the cutting of the pigs. The spectacle was not for the faint of heart, and we did not grow up timid ten!

The starving baby did not disdain foot feed. She could raid someone's sorrel bed, drink sweet juice from acacia flowers, or eat sour leaves from barberry bushes.
Then about snacks like chips, crackers and dry instant noodles, we did not know. In order not to get hungry, they ran out to walk with a hump of black bread, generously sprinkled with salt and grated garlic. The delicacy had variations: bread could be moistened with sunflower oil and salted or poured with water and sprinkled with sugar. And if you lubricate a hump of white bread with margarine and honey, you will not drag it by the ears of such tastiness!

I came to my grandmother in the village: shop desserts Plenty saturated with grandmother’s cooking, you could walk to the local salpo and fill your pockets with candy. At that time, good chocolates were worth their weight in gold, so young people tested their teeth for strength with toffees "Kitty-kitty", milk fudges "School" and "sea pebbles" - multicolored sugar glaze with raisins.
It was a great luck to get peanuts in hard sugar glaze. For lovers of chewing in the selpo brought coffee with milk and cocoa in pressed cubes. Someone poured them with boiling water and used them as a drink. But it was tastier to chew a chocolate cube, and also - a jelly briquette or even fruit and strawberry tea in tiles.

An omnivorous Soviet child was crazy about tofoil, which tasted like cocoa, but was many times more nutritious. It was prepared from cereals: first cleaned, steamed, dried, and then slightly fried and grinded in a stupa. Then the flour was mixed with cool water and salted. Thickened trofokno could be sculpted like plasticine, and then with appetite to eat homemade figurines.
We remembered not all delicacies come from the village childhood of a Soviet child and not only. And what past goodies are forever minted in your memory? Let’s get together in the comments!
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