When you write messages, pay attention to this detail, one sign can change everything.
Social etiquette is not a simple thing. And it turns out that it is very different from real communication. So what kind of messages to write in messengers, so that the interlocutor understands you correctly. This is what the editor will tell you today. "Site". We know how to communicate emotions through text.
When you communicate directly with a person, you can immediately assess his mood. In real communication, we lower our tone if we want to end our tirade. We pause between thoughts, accentuate individual words. Everything seems clear here. We catch the tone and mood of the interlocutor, observe his facial expressions and gestures. The situation is very different with virtual communication.
In correspondence, we do not see the interlocutor and cannot assess his mood. At best, he will write to us about it. But during communication, the mood can change and it is difficult to catch this fine line. So how then to convey your mood in printed words. Internet communication is not just about words. This is a huge number of smiles, punctuation marks, abbreviations and abbreviations. All this saturates the message with emotions. The younger generation even has its own specific slang, which is difficult for older people to understand.
So, scientists from Binghamton University conducted a study. They recruited 126 students who were texted. The students, in turn, tried to assess the mood and emotions that these messages carried. And at the end of the study, it was found that students were very categorical about short messages that ended in a dot. It would seem that all of us are familiar punctuation mark, which separates one sentence from another and is the end of some thought. But only this sign is appropriate in a voluminous text or a long message.
And emoticons are already an indicator that you have exceeded 30. The younger generation of 20-year-old boys and girls prefer to communicate in modern slang and abbreviations. Sometimes only they know the meaning of these signs and the text resembles an encrypted password. Many people of the older generation who do not want to lag behind fashion, even get special dictionaries with the designation of a particular abbreviation.
How do you communicate in the digital space? Write your posts in the comments, and we will try to determine what generation you are from.

When you communicate directly with a person, you can immediately assess his mood. In real communication, we lower our tone if we want to end our tirade. We pause between thoughts, accentuate individual words. Everything seems clear here. We catch the tone and mood of the interlocutor, observe his facial expressions and gestures. The situation is very different with virtual communication.

In correspondence, we do not see the interlocutor and cannot assess his mood. At best, he will write to us about it. But during communication, the mood can change and it is difficult to catch this fine line. So how then to convey your mood in printed words. Internet communication is not just about words. This is a huge number of smiles, punctuation marks, abbreviations and abbreviations. All this saturates the message with emotions. The younger generation even has its own specific slang, which is difficult for older people to understand.

So, scientists from Binghamton University conducted a study. They recruited 126 students who were texted. The students, in turn, tried to assess the mood and emotions that these messages carried. And at the end of the study, it was found that students were very categorical about short messages that ended in a dot. It would seem that all of us are familiar punctuation mark, which separates one sentence from another and is the end of some thought. But only this sign is appropriate in a voluminous text or a long message.
And emoticons are already an indicator that you have exceeded 30. The younger generation of 20-year-old boys and girls prefer to communicate in modern slang and abbreviations. Sometimes only they know the meaning of these signs and the text resembles an encrypted password. Many people of the older generation who do not want to lag behind fashion, even get special dictionaries with the designation of a particular abbreviation.
How do you communicate in the digital space? Write your posts in the comments, and we will try to determine what generation you are from.
If you have a cat, thank her for what she does for you.
If you wish a person well, never give him a cross or an icon, the consequences can be terrible.