What you see in the picture first will tell you what kind of person you really are.

Do you like to look at and guess the figures of mysterious creatures floating in the sky? Or in the repetitive patterns on wallpaper, carpets? It is known that the seen images help to know the psychological state of a person, can serve as a kind of test. Such classes not only assess the psychological state of a person, but also train the brain, develop creative imagination.

Psychological state of a person

In the days of Leonardo da Vinci, inns, houses of townspeople and peasants, apparently, often leaked ceilings. The great artist advised his novice colleague to take a closer look at the spots left by the rains and give free rein to fantasies: “You can see various battles, rapid movements of amazing figures, facial expressions and many other things there.”

The psychological state of a person becomes clearer to himself and when he fixes “non-existent” images in paintings made so that at first glance he does not understand what is depicted on them.

Now you will get the opportunity to look into the well or spring of your soul. Although you can take the above as a joke. So here's a picture that most people look at in the first few seconds and see one or two images that aren't there. And just what they see can tell a lot about their psychological state, even some hidden problems.

A friend at first sight blurted out:
- I see a butterfly, and you? - and then, slightly wrinkled, added: - Some kind of shameful test.
- Let's say, I agreed. But it works: the butterfly symbolizes a positive attitude, the ability to grow, change, overcome difficulties. Who is this about if not you? As long as I've known you, you're constantly improving, learning new things. Origami, beads, Spanish. And how many problems took out - and do not complain, others almost a wand-rescue in the correction of mood ...

Take a closer look. What happened from the beginning? Here are some interpretations of what you see.

Psychological state of a person: decoding Hair. Long hair (in the picture you can not see if they are trimmed) is the archetype of the female principle. Perhaps you feel a great love for your mother, you feel the need for warmth and protection. You dream of procreation. The hair here is drawn, they are of a warm chestnut hue. If you see them right away, it’s a sign of your creativity.

Hands. A symbol of contact with others. nose It will catch your eye from the start if you experience sexual problems. mouth You will see this detail instantly if you have problems with speech, fear of speaking in front of a large audience.

Look very carefully and now the images that could arise only in the contemplation of this picture. Cat's head A sense of uncertainty, difficult to understand. Fear of the outside world. Caterpillar - a symbol of readiness for change, for self-development. Snake A sense of insecurity, a sense of deception, betrayal.

crab Obsession with certain things, persistence. Rabbit Do you remember Chekhov’s Vanka Zhukov? There, however, she had a muzzle, a heredkin because) - positive thinking and very potential fertility. Or dreams of one. And what about rabbits?

Peels Bat. A bunch of hidden intrapersonal problems, fear of the outside world. lobster(Wow!) - great strength in different senses, perseverance and perseverance. And at the same time, the fear of getting a heart wound, why avoiding close relationships. The combination is strange, but possible.

Bear. It is six in one: hidden aggression and disobedience; vulnerability and insecurity; openness and honesty. I think he's a good man. “Ordinary Miracle” by E. Schwartz and M. Zakharov But there are no miracles in the edge of a bear...

Peels spider Fear, confusion, repentance because of their own lies, and on the other hand, the domineering mother, the female power. elephant - reflect. Mainly about reluctance and fear to look into yourself; ignoring some problems, from the solution of which you still can not turn away. Dog. You think very well about the moral qualities of your friends. And it's beautiful!

And I saw an autumn tree with a crown fluttering in the wind, a torch and a dolphin. That's exactly the sequence. I read the interpretations, yes, that’s what I thought about myself. However, the interpretation of the flaming torch refers, rather, to past days. It is said that a person with inner fire always joyfully meets the new day, without complaining about lack of sleep. Thirty years ago it was the same with me. Now I don’t complain, but lack of sleep it feels like... Cool slides...

And then I saw what was in the picture. Amateur, I say. A particular amateur. But if you at first sight the picture appeared “in all its undisguised beauty”, then this is an unequivocal hint that you need a free and sincere intimacy with a truly your man. Successful search!


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