Powerful test of mental stability before the blows of fate
In this article you will find a classic. Test "What We See in the Picture". To pass it, you just need to look at the image and determine what you saw first. And then I suggest you read the transcript of the test and find out what your character is hiding.
Test "What we see in the picture" I love these tests because they are easy and don’t take long. You look at the picture, and then it all depends on your attention and first impression. The image from today's test is very banal. This is not some Hermann Rorschach test where there can be a lot of variation. You can see either a crocodile or a boat.
The first thing I noticed was the crocodile. According to the transcript, this image is seen rational and practical people. They don’t like to take risks and are more likely to follow the trodden path than try something new.
You can rely on people like that. They always keep their word and will not cheat if they want to hear the truth. If you saw a crocodile in the picture, you probably consider any life problem in a complex way. You don't panic, you gather your strength and decide everything in order.
This trait helps you to always keep your head cold and not to succumb to the tricks of your psyche. Someone thinks you're an emotionless person. But it's not. It's just you know how to balance the desire to tear and throw and the love of order.
However, due to the fact that you often look at things in general, small and important details can simply escape your field of view. This applies to all spheres of life and is especially acute in communication with relatives and friends.
If this problem is familiar to you, try to understand what exactly does not suit you. Do as you like: write down everything that bothers you, structure each item. And then it will be easier for you to cope with all the difficulties. But if doing it alone is still difficult, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Or better yet, contact a worthy specialist!
If you saw a boat in the picture, and not a crocodile, your creative potential can only be envied. You are the person to whom you can turn for help in choosing gifts or decorating wedding decorations. The sense of style is given to you by nature, and you skillfully use it.
As a rule, people who see a boat in the picture are doing something creative. Different types of needlework, playing musical instruments or singing can easily become not only a hobby, but also a possible way to make money. If you haven't thought about it that way, now is the time.
There's a simple explanation for why any creative pursuit is so easy for you. You just know how to notice the details and you know exactly how important they are. It's both your gift and your curse. In love relationships, for example, it often stops you from making the right decisions. Most of the time, you don’t think with your head, but with your heart.
For the same reason, sometimes you find it hard to find the right person for you. You notice the smallest flaws in it, and they can irritate you. But here comes a completely different problem. Love is the ability to accept a partner as a whole, not in parts. And if you can't do that, it's about you, not your companion.
As you can see, both the first and second transcripts of the psychological test have their nuances. I wonder if you agree with these results. What did you see in the picture: a ship or a crocodile?
Test "What we see in the picture" I love these tests because they are easy and don’t take long. You look at the picture, and then it all depends on your attention and first impression. The image from today's test is very banal. This is not some Hermann Rorschach test where there can be a lot of variation. You can see either a crocodile or a boat.
The first thing I noticed was the crocodile. According to the transcript, this image is seen rational and practical people. They don’t like to take risks and are more likely to follow the trodden path than try something new.
You can rely on people like that. They always keep their word and will not cheat if they want to hear the truth. If you saw a crocodile in the picture, you probably consider any life problem in a complex way. You don't panic, you gather your strength and decide everything in order.
This trait helps you to always keep your head cold and not to succumb to the tricks of your psyche. Someone thinks you're an emotionless person. But it's not. It's just you know how to balance the desire to tear and throw and the love of order.
However, due to the fact that you often look at things in general, small and important details can simply escape your field of view. This applies to all spheres of life and is especially acute in communication with relatives and friends.
If this problem is familiar to you, try to understand what exactly does not suit you. Do as you like: write down everything that bothers you, structure each item. And then it will be easier for you to cope with all the difficulties. But if doing it alone is still difficult, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Or better yet, contact a worthy specialist!
If you saw a boat in the picture, and not a crocodile, your creative potential can only be envied. You are the person to whom you can turn for help in choosing gifts or decorating wedding decorations. The sense of style is given to you by nature, and you skillfully use it.
As a rule, people who see a boat in the picture are doing something creative. Different types of needlework, playing musical instruments or singing can easily become not only a hobby, but also a possible way to make money. If you haven't thought about it that way, now is the time.
There's a simple explanation for why any creative pursuit is so easy for you. You just know how to notice the details and you know exactly how important they are. It's both your gift and your curse. In love relationships, for example, it often stops you from making the right decisions. Most of the time, you don’t think with your head, but with your heart.
For the same reason, sometimes you find it hard to find the right person for you. You notice the smallest flaws in it, and they can irritate you. But here comes a completely different problem. Love is the ability to accept a partner as a whole, not in parts. And if you can't do that, it's about you, not your companion.
As you can see, both the first and second transcripts of the psychological test have their nuances. I wonder if you agree with these results. What did you see in the picture: a ship or a crocodile?
Rorschach psychological test to find out the main secret about yourself
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