Don't repeat my mistakes and don't leave the key locked overnight, it's a gift for robbers.

Do you know how to help a burglar get into your apartment? It is useless to think that if you leave the key in the lock, it will protect you from hacking. We all know that if not turning the key in the lockSo there's a key inside, too. And everyone is sure that we are safe. But this is a common misconception. And today's edition. "Site" He'll tell you why. And we have prepared for you a few ways what to do if you do not turn the key in the lock.

Many modern locks are designed so that they can be closed with a key on both sides. And everyone has long known that if you leave the key in the lock inside the apartment, then you will not be able to open the lock outside.

Therefore, most owners of such a castle are confident in their safety from robbers. But is that really true? It turns out that we even help a robber open our castle.

Any professional thief has his own methods and tools for opening locks. For any professional thief, burglary is a trifle. Most often in their arsenal for opening doors there are all sorts of keys, wires and other devices.

However, the key in your door is perfect for such a simple business. And all because the key inside the lock opens the mechanism and the latches inside. Therefore, a thief will not have much difficulty turning the key on the other side of the lock with his key.

But there are situations when the key just gets stuck in the keyhole. There's no way to get him out. There is such trouble in some cases, which we will tell you about now.

And the first one is a foreign object in a keyhole. Oddly enough, this is a very common problem. When the keyhole gets a piece of key or chips. Do not try to pick up the object with a key. You can just break the key. In order to pull a chip or a piece of metal, use a sewer or a thin knife. Try to pick up a foreign object and pull it out of the keyhole.

If it so happens that a piece of the key remains in the keyhole, then narrow-slingers will come to the rescue. Very slowly and carefully try to pick up the tip of the key with narrow-livers and slowly try to pull it out. The main thing is not to rush.

Occasionally, intercept the narrow-minded more reliable section of the broken key. But if the lock is rusted, it is better not to insert the key into it immediately. First, lubricate the keyhole with a special means, such as WD-40 or engine oil. After lubricating the lock, wait 5-7 minutes and try to insert and turn the key in the lock. If not, repeat the procedure with lubrication.

But if you do not want to take risks and stay overnight on the street, it is best to seek help from specialists. Every city has a lock opening service. Or it could be a locksmith from your HEC.

But in this case, you must have confirmation that you are the owner of the apartment in which you want to enter. Often for an emergency opening of the apartment will have to call a police officer. We hope you never have to be in such a terrible situation where you can't get into your own house. Disclose in the comments whether something like this happened to you and how the problem was solved.


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