The only daughter of Volochkova Ariadne forbade her mother to come to the prom, does not want to see the ballerina at the holiday
The relationship between parents and children is important at any time. At first, parents are the best for children, but over time, relatives distance themselves from each other for unknown reasons. This happens in all families, and celebrities are no exception. For example, last week, Volochkova’s daughter told her mother that she did not want to see her at her graduation at school.
The daughter of Volochkova Ariadna Volochkova loves her mother very much, but what is involved in this decision remains unknown. Anastasia Volochkova is sure that this decision of her daughter was influenced by the instructions of her father and grandmother from her ex-husband.
The girl from the age of 13 lives with his father Igor Vdovin and his new wife, TV presenter Elena Nikolaeva. Communication with stepmother Ariadne develops quite warmly, although at the beginning of the relationship there were different situations.
Elena Nikolaeva is sure that Ariadne’s decision not to see her own mother at her graduation is a personal matter of the girl. No one can influence her in this matter. Also, the presenter added that the prom will be the father and fiancé of Ariadne.
Elena herself does not even know Igor’s ex-wife, Anastasia Volochkova, so she cannot analyze such a decision of her adopted daughter. As she herself stated, the daughter and mother communicate in waves: more, less. No one limits Ariadne in anything, especially in communication with her mother. In addition, the girl is old enough and has the right to make decisions.
Why the daughter does not want to communicate with her mother Anastasia Volochkova believes that the daughter is just jealous of the success of her mother. According to Anastasia on Instagram, Ariadne explained her decision by the fact that she is afraid that her mother will eclipse the culprit of the prom with her charm.
Of course, Anastasia is slightly offended by her daughter for such a decision, but she will not dispute it. Fans of Volochkova divided into two camps. Some support Ariadne’s decision, while others try to comfort Anastasia.
But the famous journalist Otar Kushanashvili stood up for Anastasia Volochkova. He shamed Ariadne for this decision and said that over time, the girl would be very sorry for this decision. A mother is the most precious thing a person has. You have to love her for nothing.
Instagram/@volochkova_art What really influenced Ariadne's decision remains a mystery. Perhaps this is due to the fact that graduation for current students is not some special event. For them, this is another stage of life that they complete and proceed to the next.
Now the young woman’s thoughts are busy with the future. She is preparing to enter a higher education institution. Today she has an invitation to study from the Higher School of Economics. Therefore, we wish Ariadne worthy to pass the entrance exams and do what the soul lies to.
Instagram / @dariradosty_74 In addition, there is still plenty of time before graduation, so you can change your mind. After all, how the future of life will turn out, none of us knows, and mother should always be there. Even if sometimes shocking, but so dear and beloved!

The daughter of Volochkova Ariadna Volochkova loves her mother very much, but what is involved in this decision remains unknown. Anastasia Volochkova is sure that this decision of her daughter was influenced by the instructions of her father and grandmother from her ex-husband.

The girl from the age of 13 lives with his father Igor Vdovin and his new wife, TV presenter Elena Nikolaeva. Communication with stepmother Ariadne develops quite warmly, although at the beginning of the relationship there were different situations.
Elena Nikolaeva is sure that Ariadne’s decision not to see her own mother at her graduation is a personal matter of the girl. No one can influence her in this matter. Also, the presenter added that the prom will be the father and fiancé of Ariadne.

Elena herself does not even know Igor’s ex-wife, Anastasia Volochkova, so she cannot analyze such a decision of her adopted daughter. As she herself stated, the daughter and mother communicate in waves: more, less. No one limits Ariadne in anything, especially in communication with her mother. In addition, the girl is old enough and has the right to make decisions.
Why the daughter does not want to communicate with her mother Anastasia Volochkova believes that the daughter is just jealous of the success of her mother. According to Anastasia on Instagram, Ariadne explained her decision by the fact that she is afraid that her mother will eclipse the culprit of the prom with her charm.

Of course, Anastasia is slightly offended by her daughter for such a decision, but she will not dispute it. Fans of Volochkova divided into two camps. Some support Ariadne’s decision, while others try to comfort Anastasia.
But the famous journalist Otar Kushanashvili stood up for Anastasia Volochkova. He shamed Ariadne for this decision and said that over time, the girl would be very sorry for this decision. A mother is the most precious thing a person has. You have to love her for nothing.

Instagram/@volochkova_art What really influenced Ariadne's decision remains a mystery. Perhaps this is due to the fact that graduation for current students is not some special event. For them, this is another stage of life that they complete and proceed to the next.
Now the young woman’s thoughts are busy with the future. She is preparing to enter a higher education institution. Today she has an invitation to study from the Higher School of Economics. Therefore, we wish Ariadne worthy to pass the entrance exams and do what the soul lies to.

Instagram / @dariradosty_74 In addition, there is still plenty of time before graduation, so you can change your mind. After all, how the future of life will turn out, none of us knows, and mother should always be there. Even if sometimes shocking, but so dear and beloved!
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