Do sorcerers and witches go to Christian churches and what are their motives?

On the eve of Easter, many people wonder: where to go to holy kulich? This holiday is used not only by believers, but also by good people. witches. They are often found in the temple or church. If you watch them, you can see how they perform their dark rites. They are not afraid of God’s wrath.

How do magicians get into the temple? What should I do if I witnessed their black book rituals? Editorial "Site" I decided to look into these issues.

To begin with, the egregor of Christianity and the egregor of black magic have one common origin. The very concept of Satan arose in Christianity at the dawn of its appearance. This concept arose as the designation of an enemy external or internal.

With external enemies in Christianity was less understood. Those who did not accept the faith or harm Christianity. But with the advent of faith itself, enemies also appeared within it. Then the concept of Satan was born.

There is no other faith in the world like this. The internal enemy is present in both the Catholic and Orthodox branches of Christianity. Therefore, the concept of witches and sorcerers as representatives of the cult of Satan is widely represented only in Christianity.

Accordingly, everything that feeds on human energy forms the concept of egregor. Therefore, often in Christian churches there are two egregors – light and dark. And the stronger Christianity becomes, the stronger the cult of Satanism becomes, and vice versa. These are two sides of the same moon.

What do representatives of evil spirits in the church The warlocks even have their own personal demon, who very often lives in temples. His name is Abara. And the witches in the temple are in direct contact with it during their work. Blackbook witches work with the same attributes as the church itself. It is holy water, candles, sparklers, icons. Therefore, it is very difficult for an untrained person to distinguish a witch from an ordinary person. But if you are a true believer, you can feel it and notice the differences.

In our time, religion has become a very profitable business. Temples grow like mushrooms after the rain, and you can get a full range of services for cleansing from sins. In commercial temples there are price lists, but there is no spirituality.

In such temples, not only witches and sorcerers gather. They concentrate all the negative energy with which people come. It gathers there, and if the father does not paint the place, then such a temple becomes simply dangerous.

If you really want to get positive energy and not catch a bunch of sores, then we advise you to choose a temple in which there is no expensive decoration. It should stand in the laminated place for a long time. As a rule, such churches are preserved in villages, where a small parish and a priest are busy with prayers, not filling their pockets. In religion, the main thing is not the cost of icons, but the purity of the soul of the priest.

And remember, God doesn't care where you come from. He will hear your prayers, even if you do it at home. The main thing is to live honestly and fairly, do not wish harm to anyone and give people your love. And to do this not only on Christian holidays, but constantly. The magicians are not the magicians and the magicians. They just can't hurt him.

Do you go to the temple and have you ever met witches and sorcerers in temples?


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