Comfort taxi fare. What is the difference between the offers and what can you expect?

The comfort tariff is in great demand, because customers receive a high level of service and avoid unpresentable transport. And drivers can increase their own income, but subject to compliance with all requirements. A good example of a service is taxi TaxiMaxim, as it ensures the excellent condition of the car, timely delivery, accuracy of the driver and transport. It is these advantages that made the tariff popular. Everyone can order a comfort taxi without unpleasant interference and in a decent car.

What are the requirements for drivers?
There are a number of requirements for the comfort tariff:
- The absence of bad habits is desirable, the factor will always be an advantage for the applicant.
- They do not take drivers who are blocked in the databases of competitors.
- It is possible to work on transport for rent, attract private individuals or entrepreneurs with a license.

Auto for comfort tariff
Most often, sedans from 2014 come to the exit, including: Škoda, Toyota, Lexus, Kia, Nissan, Mercedes-Benz. In this case, the class is limited to C, D, E, F, M, J, even the market price matters. If there are many passengers, it is possible to attract minivans. You should also expect the absence of unpleasant odors, a clean interior and exterior, no cracks in the glass, no damage to the headlights.
Tariff comfort and safety
Payment in such a tariff is higher, but it pays off due to high security and convenience. Basic Rules:
- the driver will not be distracted by extraneous conversations;
- everything is done to eliminate dangerous situations on the way;
- the optimal pace of movement is maintained;
- courtesy is required, for example, if they ask to be dropped off in an unacceptable place, polite explanations are given;
- lack of profanity and harsh reactions.
Why choose comfort rate?
It is worth ordering a taxi TaxiMaxim of comfort level to drive a new car, most often it is a transport that left the assembly line no more than 4 years ago. Thus, the trip will be safer and more enjoyable. The driver always has a first aid kit, water, chargers. There is a maximum of space for your things, which is especially important if you have packed your bags on the road or just arrived. All conditions for the safety of passengers are necessarily supported. Including music can be selected or turned off, the temperature is adjusted, you will not be disturbed if you want to be in silence. Drivers also treat children and pets well, help in unloading and loading luggage.

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