Congratulate Vasily on the Day of the Angel on January 14, and happiness will knock into your life.

St. Basil's Day January 14 is the largest holiday of the winter cycle, along with Christmas and Epiphany. People not only honor Basil the Great on this day, but also celebrate the Old New Year. We offer you useful information about the life history of Vasily. We will also talk about how best to celebrate the holiday of Basil the Great and what you can not do on such a day.

St. Basil the Great was born in 329 CE in a wealthy family. Although the life of the clergyman was very short (only 50 years), but his contemporaries began to make him great. It’s hard to imagine the path he’s taken to win such a title. The young man received an excellent education first in Turkey, where he was born, and then in Greece.

Upon returning home, Vasily joined the social life. However, his close friends and relatives instructed him to religion. This turned out to be a fateful decision for Vasily. He gave up worldly goods and became more and more ascetic every year. It is believed that it was St. Basil who created the liturgy of Basil the Great, and also invented the iconostasis.

The faithful always treated Vasily with great respect. He counted. farmerOn the morning of January 14, we went from house to house to sow. This was mainly done by boys or young men. It is extremely undesirable for girls to sow, because it was considered to be the first person in the house to meet a man.

They were very eager to receive the seedlings. The owners of the house generously gave the boys sweets and coins. People believed that the more sowers there were in the house, the more wealth, happiness and prosperity would be within its walls. Grains of wheat, corn, barley, with which the sowers showered the house, could not be thrown away.

They began to sow in their own house, because first-seeder It was very important. Then the boys went to relatives, acquaintances, friends, and only after that you could go to any other house. In some regions there were whole watags of sowers, arranging costume performances.

It was very important on such a day to visit the temple and listen to the liturgy written by Basil the Great. Then people could gather together in a large family. birthday. Our ancestors had very interesting fun on Vasiliev day. For example, it was possible to prepare dumplings with a secret filling.

Let’s say that all the dumplings were with potatoes, but in one jam they could hide a coin, in another – a nut, in the third – a button. If you find a coin, you will be rich for the next year. The one who found the nut, be full and satisfied with life. And who gets a button, he risks being left with the wind in his wallet.

However, no one was in a hurry to get upset, because in addition to sowing, divination and joke games with dumplings, Vasily was very good. wish. And if you sincerely ask, then a good saint will definitely help him come true. You can also buy clothes or shoes on this day. You'll wear new clothes all year. But you can not borrow money, otherwise you cannot get rid of debts.

Signs for the Day of St. Basil Po weather They were focused on the whole following year. For example, snow in the morning predicted a long and snowy winter. If the night from 13 to 14 January was starry and clear, the harvest of berries will be extremely generous and abundant. The ice on Vasily promised a good harvest, and the thaw predicted a cool and windy summer.

People believed that this feast It's fun and carefree. If you can refrain from quarrels and be smiling, it will be the same throughout the year. Therefore, the owners of the houses joyfully met the sowers, sincerely prayed to Basil the Great in the morning, willingly went to visit friends. Be sure to make your most secret wish for Vasily. We sincerely believe that it will come true.


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