There will not be life, but raspberries for the whole of 2023, if you do so on January 13

January holidays in 2023 It's been a long time. The period of bright winter events in Ukraine began on December 25, because this date can become the main celebration of Christmas. It should be noted that Christmas on January 7 is also very active. Children rush to carol, informing the world about the birth of Jesus, receiving gratitude and sweets for this. But January 14th is the time for generosity.

January holidays in 2023 The process of generosity is briefly called Malanca (Melanca). But why is this name and where did it come from? It is believed that patroness On the 13th of January, the Reverend Melania became. This noble Roman woman, who was born in 383 CE Melania sincerely wanted to devote her life to the service of God, but her wealthy parents made a different decision.

The young maiden was married to a young man from a wealthy family, which corresponded to the level of Melania’s family. The parents believed that the girl would continue their lineage, although Melania herself wanted to live blamelessly. However, her views were not taken into account at first. Because the girl gave birth to a daughter, and then a son, but the children did not live long. Melania and her husband devoted their entire life to serving the Almighty and helping those in need.

Over time, the serious religious subtext among the people has seriously transformed. Malanka is more about playfulness, songs, dancing and fun. It is believed that the very word “generous” can be similar to the word “generous”. For example, a generous evening or a generous kutya. Before Christmas, an important fast was over and people could not arrange such a stormy festivities. While before the New Year on the old style (January 14) it was very easy.

In addition, during the carol, serious songs are performed dedicated to the joy of the birth of Jesus Christ. While in the process of generosity, it is important to create a full-fledged atmosphere of celebration, lightness, stupidity. The squirrels are trying on themselves absolutely. imagery. Malanka, devil, goat, bear, king - not a complete list of all possible roles.

The lavish vaults could make a whole parade Or a little theatrical performance. For example, the most noisy guy dressed up as a goat, which tried to find in the house. She could jokingly steal a loaf of bread from the owners, specifically turn things over or even staged sweep her broom. All in order to cheer the owners and make this joy and fun stay in their house for a year.

Generous evening: what is forbidden to do Generous evening, Vasiliev evening, Melania day - whatever you call the January holiday on January 13, but it is important to remember one thing. This day is recommended funSo that happiness reigns in the house all year round. It was forbidden to argue with anyone, and if you have already had a quarrel, the day of Malanka is perfect for reconciliation.

Some people do not want to see generous people on their doorstep, because they consider this holiday to be non-religious. Only not to let in those who wish good and joy to the owners, can bring misfortune to the owners themselves. Be sure to listen to the songs of the bounty holders, watch their performance and generously gift them if possible.

In addition, on January 13, you should not count small coins. This can lead to tears and bad news. You should also not throw out garbage on that day. Let everything wait until the end of the holiday. It is not advisable to borrow money on this holiday. The ancestors believed that it would be difficult to pay off debts.


Bright January holidays in 2023 It is impossible not to mention that January 13 young people girls loved guessing on his betrothed. Older believers were not encouraged to do so. They rushed to church to pray and then continue the celebration with their families. We sincerely wish that everyone could adequately meet and spend the noisy holidays of the winter cycle. May God give every family good and joy.


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