10 bad habits that destroy your brain
The brain. It is the most important organ for man. It is the control center of our body. The brain performs an incredible number of operations in a matter of seconds, and is also responsible for memory.
The complex and specific structure of our brain is very vulnerable, which can lead to a number of serious diseases and irreversible damage. Every day, without knowing it, we jeopardize the functioning of the most important organ.
Brain health "Site" Here are 10 habits that kill your brain.
Our brain is a unique mechanism that has not yet been fully understood. If you follow our advice, you will be able to use its potential 100%.
The complex and specific structure of our brain is very vulnerable, which can lead to a number of serious diseases and irreversible damage. Every day, without knowing it, we jeopardize the functioning of the most important organ.
Brain health "Site" Here are 10 habits that kill your brain.
- Skip breakfast
After sleep, our body needs food to convert it into energy and nutrients. Avoiding breakfast puts your brain into an “emergency” phase that affects your entire body.
DepositPhotos - Chronic sleep deprivation
During sleep, the brain processes information received throughout the day and accumulates strength for the next. Chronic lack of sleep leads to an irreversible process of death of brain cells. Therefore, a healthy sleep is the key to good health.
DepositPhotos - Sugar consumption
Today, it is very difficult to find a product that does not contain sugar. But there are foods with very high sugar levels that need to be eliminated from the diet. Large blood sugar It prevents the absorption of nutrients, which adversely affects the work of the brain.
DepositPhotos - Overeating
In addition to the fact that overeating leads to weight gain, it has a bad effect on the arteries that lead to the brain and slow down its work.
DepositPhotos - Smoking
The damage that smoking causes to our body has long been proven. In addition, it can lead to comprehensive compression of the brain and Alzheimer's disease.
DepositPhotos - Cover your head with a blanket
During sleep we need fresh air. Therefore, it is recommended to ventilate the room before going to bed. When you sleep fully covered with a blanket, you do not receive the necessary amount of fresh air, and the level of carbon dioxide increases several times.
DepositPhotos - Air pollution
A lot of fresh air is needed for brain health. This is very difficult to achieve in the city. Therefore, try to spend the weekend outside the city.
DepositPhotos - Active brain activity during illness
When we are sick, our body shows that its resources are running out and we need to rest. This is especially true of our brain. Active activity during the disease reduces the efficiency of the brain and leads to disturbances in its activity.
DepositPhotos - Communication problems
Talking helps to keep the brain in tone and develop it. Intellectual conversations stimulate the emergence of new neural connections that have a good effect on brain activity.
DepositPhotos - Lack of stimulating thoughts
The process of thinking provokes positive changes in the cerebral cortex. It is a powerful tool for the development and immediate functioning of our principal organ.
Our brain is a unique mechanism that has not yet been fully understood. If you follow our advice, you will be able to use its potential 100%.
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