What to do with simple actions for table decor

Many begin to prepare for the bright holiday of Easter in advance. Simple, beautiful, and most importantly, practical - that's what you can call this wonderful invention. We're talking about Easter.

Paschal women are called bulky napkinsMade of dense silk or any other fabric and designed to conveniently place Easter eggs or dyes on the festive table. Wonderful Easter eggs are decorated with lace and flowers, they can be made in the form of openwork napkins or open flowers. We will show you how beautiful Easter girls are.

Easter wipes
  1. Functional and beautiful

  2. Country style.

  3. Bright flower options

  4. Easter with a green rim

  5. Easter in gentle spring tones

  6. Sun-coloured Easter napkin

  7. This is how the Easter Garden looks full!

"Site" I have prepared an interesting workshop for you. Easter napkins with their own hands. How do you make an Easter stitch?

You'll need it.
  • cotton-block
  • baking
  • satin
  • sewer

Progress of work
  1. So, we make a pattern out of cardboard - this is a circle with a diameter of 30 cm.

  2. From the main fabric we paint the details of a round shape. The diameter depends on what size you want to get the product. In this case, the diameter is thirty centimeters. 4 parts should come out: 2 from monochromatic fabric and 2 for the inner layer of colored fabric.

  3. We fold multi-colored parts with the front side outside and peel them with pins so that they do not move during sewing. Stitch them together. There should be one detail, colorful on both sides.

  4. This line for reliability sew a oblique bake.

  5. We treat all three round details with an oblique beak.

  6. This is what they look like after processing.

  7. Next, draw the pattern like this. It's 60 degrees.

  8. Transfer the marks to the top layer, retreating 4 cm from the edge.

  9. Make in marked places two loops next to each other.

  10. Flower carefully cut the loops. For beginners, a hint: in order not to accidentally cut the seam itself, you can pin its end.

  11. Fold all three layers of the future napkin.

  12. In the middle draw a circle with a diameter of 15 cm.

  13. Push all 3 napkins on this intended line, then fix the edges. The lower and middle part of the probes along the line where the loops were made.

  14. The middle and upper part of the probe on the oblique bake, as in the photo.

  15. Make the fastener on the car like this: forward, reverse and forward again.

  16. The tape can be taken satin tone or use an oblique bake for harmony.

  17. That's what we got as a result. When assembled, the Easter tree will not take up much space!

  18. This is what our Easter table will look like on the festive table.

So, Easter napkins are quite simple to do, and things created with your own hands create comfort in the house and radiate positive energy of warmth and love.

Surround yourself with beautiful and original things and the holiday will stay with you for a long time. Now the balls are mine. Easter basket It will look great!

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