I got an impressive bunch of knitted wipes from my grandmother, but I don't know how to wash them carefully.
Knitted napkins are an element of home decor, from which it blows warmth and comfort. Sooner or later, it’s time to wash them. These delicate things should be washed so that they do not lose shape and pattern. Therefore, it is necessary to wash wipes manually. In addition, after washing, it is important to dry them correctly and it is desirable to starch.
Washing machines have a function for washing delicate things and for washing wool products. You can try your luck and wash napkins in a typewriter. This should be done at a temperature not above 30 degrees. At the same time, you need to use a soft tool for washing knitted things. It should be borne in mind that the yarn is different. For example, products made of merino yarn, cashmere and mohair can not be subjected to sharp temperature changes, so they are advised to wash manually.
Dissolve in the pelvis a liquid washing agent, you can even use shampoo. Put the napkin in the water and leave it for 10 minutes. Then gently squeeze the napkin with your hands. Knitted wipes can not be rubbed, otherwise the reels will appear and it may stretch. The product cannot be twisted much, as this will lead to deformation of the pattern.
Starched napkins look neat and elegant, but starch not only gives shape to knitted wipes. Thanks to starch, a protective layer is formed on the napkin from dust and stains. Starched wipes are easier to wash. For the treatment of napkin starch suitable and potato and corn. Depending on the degree to which it is necessary to starch the product, a solution is prepared for light, medium and strong processing with starch. This is 1 tsp. starch per 1 liter of water, 1 tbsp. l. per 1 liter of water or 2 tbsp. l. per 1 liter of water.
Starch should be diluted in cold water and bring 1 liter of water to a boil. Slowly pour the prepared solution and stir the water. A pinch of salt can be added for shine. When the mass turns into a kleister, remove the pot from the fire and cool the mixture. The napkin should be moistened, then lowered into the kleister for 10-15 minutes. Then you need to remove the remains of starch and spread the napkin on a flat surface for drying.
Knitted wipes can not be dried on a rope to avoid cracks on the product. It is best to lay washed wipes on a flat horizontal surface, covered with a towel, which will absorb moisture. It is impossible to dry napkins on the battery. You can iron by covering the napkin with a wet cotton cloth.
Knitted napkins are not just beautiful lace, it is the work of a person who diligently knitted patterns to make the house cozy. So I keep my grandmother's napkins and put them in order from time to time. So beautiful they look under the festive plates and on the windowsill near the vases. How do you wash knitted napkins?

Washing machines have a function for washing delicate things and for washing wool products. You can try your luck and wash napkins in a typewriter. This should be done at a temperature not above 30 degrees. At the same time, you need to use a soft tool for washing knitted things. It should be borne in mind that the yarn is different. For example, products made of merino yarn, cashmere and mohair can not be subjected to sharp temperature changes, so they are advised to wash manually.

Dissolve in the pelvis a liquid washing agent, you can even use shampoo. Put the napkin in the water and leave it for 10 minutes. Then gently squeeze the napkin with your hands. Knitted wipes can not be rubbed, otherwise the reels will appear and it may stretch. The product cannot be twisted much, as this will lead to deformation of the pattern.

Starched napkins look neat and elegant, but starch not only gives shape to knitted wipes. Thanks to starch, a protective layer is formed on the napkin from dust and stains. Starched wipes are easier to wash. For the treatment of napkin starch suitable and potato and corn. Depending on the degree to which it is necessary to starch the product, a solution is prepared for light, medium and strong processing with starch. This is 1 tsp. starch per 1 liter of water, 1 tbsp. l. per 1 liter of water or 2 tbsp. l. per 1 liter of water.

Starch should be diluted in cold water and bring 1 liter of water to a boil. Slowly pour the prepared solution and stir the water. A pinch of salt can be added for shine. When the mass turns into a kleister, remove the pot from the fire and cool the mixture. The napkin should be moistened, then lowered into the kleister for 10-15 minutes. Then you need to remove the remains of starch and spread the napkin on a flat surface for drying.

Knitted wipes can not be dried on a rope to avoid cracks on the product. It is best to lay washed wipes on a flat horizontal surface, covered with a towel, which will absorb moisture. It is impossible to dry napkins on the battery. You can iron by covering the napkin with a wet cotton cloth.

Knitted napkins are not just beautiful lace, it is the work of a person who diligently knitted patterns to make the house cozy. So I keep my grandmother's napkins and put them in order from time to time. So beautiful they look under the festive plates and on the windowsill near the vases. How do you wash knitted napkins?
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