What flowers open buds after sunset
It’s a bit of a romance to sit in the evening garden, in the summer, with a cup of warm herbal tea and count the stars. Here is the Big Dipper in all its glory, and there is Sirius, and Venus, and the Milky Way overhead. It is time to dream and enjoy the feeling that you are part of this magnificent and vast world. To bright colors drawn by imagination, the sound of cicadas will be added and night-flowerWho just opened their buds.
If it is not possible to have a long conversation under the rising moon, then it is enough to open the window so that the fragrance fills all the corners of your house. Isn't that beautiful? In this article, the editorial board "Site" I will be happy to tell you about what flowers should be planted in your garden, so that you can enjoy not only during the day, but also at night.
Night flowers
It is worth noting that these flowers usually do not require special care. For example, night-violet It is definitely unpretentious, it grows perfectly on the flowerbed and in hanging pots. The main thing is more sun, and then it will bloom violently and lushly. Share this article with others, let them fill their areas with flowers and hearts with romance.

If it is not possible to have a long conversation under the rising moon, then it is enough to open the window so that the fragrance fills all the corners of your house. Isn't that beautiful? In this article, the editorial board "Site" I will be happy to tell you about what flowers should be planted in your garden, so that you can enjoy not only during the day, but also at night.

Night flowers
- Night violet
This plant is also called mattiol and levee. Do not expect miracles from the violet, the flowers are closed. Another thing is when the evening comes: the flowers begin to open. Yellow, purple, white, they emit a pleasant honey aroma. The beauty of night violet is that it blooms throughout the summer months, so you can enjoy the violet every evening. - alyssum
In the people goes the name "Burachok". This is a noticeable plant, although flowers and small, collected in carp-shaped inflorescences. Alyssum seems to cover the ground with a dense carpet. During the day, the flowers do not close, but at night the aroma is most pronounced. In the light of the moon, this plant looks even mystical. - mirabilis
This flower is native to Mexico, but it has taken root here. A bright flower wakes up after the sun sets over the horizon, abundant flowering occurs at night. Is it worth mentioning that Mirabilis smells at the same time? - Flavory tobacco
Small bushes with faded buds – this is how these flowers should be. Unfortunately, the brighter the paint, the less smell. Tobacco blooms all day, but the aroma can be distinguished only at night. - enoter
The primrose is an evening or night candle, it blooms only after dusk. The buds open literally in a few minutes, it is an amazing sight. The aroma of this plant is sweet, deep, it can open buds in cloudy weather, but never under the sun. - hesperis
The main advantage of this plant is the aroma: at night it is so strong that it seems really intoxicating. By itself, hesperis does not look presentable, the flowers are small, the color is rather modest. And yet. - brugmansia
We have this plant looks like a large spreading bush, although the flower itself comes from the tropics. It is also called angel trumpets for the unusual shape of inflorescences that hang like oblong bells. Brugmansia sleeps during the day, but at night the flowers begin to exude a palpable and pleasant aroma.
It is worth noting that these flowers usually do not require special care. For example, night-violet It is definitely unpretentious, it grows perfectly on the flowerbed and in hanging pots. The main thing is more sun, and then it will bloom violently and lushly. Share this article with others, let them fill their areas with flowers and hearts with romance.
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