How to care for orchids in the house
The orchid is called a symbol of femininity and beauty. No wonder so many people want to keep this flower at home. The only problem is that we are too used to unpretentious pots to cope with the capricious orchid. Therefore, the amazing plant that gives the house a real holiday soon fades.
And today's edition. "Site" will tell How to Flower an Orchid at home. In fact, caring for the plant is not as difficult as is commonly believed. The main thing is to do everything right. And if the need to spend a little time taking care of the flower does not scare you, then there are all chances after a while to admire the waterfall from its delicate buds.
Orchid flowering at home The first thing to pay attention to is the temperature of the room. The orchid loves heat and hates cold, and therefore the optimal temperature for the development of this plant varies in quite comfortable and for humans: from 18 to 28 degrees. And it is better if the air temperature is about 5 degrees higher during the day than at night.
“My favorite plant is the orchid. This flower has been in my living room for more than 5 years and is pleased with the fact that it is constantly blooming. At some point there were over a hundred flowers. Beautiful sight, - says gardener Alexei Gorobei.
“And first of all, what do you do to make an orchid feel comfortable?” Keep it away from direct sunlight. Otherwise, burns on the leaves are inevitable. Therefore, the plant cannot be placed on the south side of the room. With that in mind, I keep an orchid in the back of a room on a coffee table. I think she likes it here, says Alexei.
Proper watering also plays an important role. Someone thinks that it is better to water the vases again than not to water. This approach is quite acceptable for all plants, but not for orchids.
The fact is that excessive watering makes the soil too moist, which provokes rotting of the roots of the orchid. Therefore, if you water a profusely whimsical plant, then do it with a slight regularity.
In summer, I water the orchid once every 7 days, in winter - no more than 2-3 times a month. I look more at the state of the plant. If I notice that the lower flowers begin to wither, then probably there is not enough moisture. It is the same if the leaves stop sticking out (like the ears of a hare), and sag and become soft. Then I water it, says the gardener.
You can water it in the usual way, when only the root system is moistened, but Alexey Gorobey himself advises watering it in a way, during which he completely immerses the horse system in water. This is possible due to the special design of its orchid pot, which has an inner part with holes at the bottom and an outer part - a larger pot.
This design allows you to easily get an inner pot and instead of watering put it in a container with water (here you can add fertilizers). It is enough to leave in this form for 15-20 minutes, so that all the contents are saturated with moisture.
After a while, the pot must be removed. You can pour water from above, and then let the water completely escape. For this, holes in the bottom of the pot are necessary. Of course, doing the above manipulations is more convenient on the street, at least in the warm season.
As you can see, properly watering and caring for a capricious plant is not so difficult. However, these few concerns will make it possible. floweringMake it a real decoration of your home. Why not enjoy the beauty of your family and guests?
And today's edition. "Site" will tell How to Flower an Orchid at home. In fact, caring for the plant is not as difficult as is commonly believed. The main thing is to do everything right. And if the need to spend a little time taking care of the flower does not scare you, then there are all chances after a while to admire the waterfall from its delicate buds.

Orchid flowering at home The first thing to pay attention to is the temperature of the room. The orchid loves heat and hates cold, and therefore the optimal temperature for the development of this plant varies in quite comfortable and for humans: from 18 to 28 degrees. And it is better if the air temperature is about 5 degrees higher during the day than at night.

“My favorite plant is the orchid. This flower has been in my living room for more than 5 years and is pleased with the fact that it is constantly blooming. At some point there were over a hundred flowers. Beautiful sight, - says gardener Alexei Gorobei.

“And first of all, what do you do to make an orchid feel comfortable?” Keep it away from direct sunlight. Otherwise, burns on the leaves are inevitable. Therefore, the plant cannot be placed on the south side of the room. With that in mind, I keep an orchid in the back of a room on a coffee table. I think she likes it here, says Alexei.

Proper watering also plays an important role. Someone thinks that it is better to water the vases again than not to water. This approach is quite acceptable for all plants, but not for orchids.
The fact is that excessive watering makes the soil too moist, which provokes rotting of the roots of the orchid. Therefore, if you water a profusely whimsical plant, then do it with a slight regularity.
In summer, I water the orchid once every 7 days, in winter - no more than 2-3 times a month. I look more at the state of the plant. If I notice that the lower flowers begin to wither, then probably there is not enough moisture. It is the same if the leaves stop sticking out (like the ears of a hare), and sag and become soft. Then I water it, says the gardener.

You can water it in the usual way, when only the root system is moistened, but Alexey Gorobey himself advises watering it in a way, during which he completely immerses the horse system in water. This is possible due to the special design of its orchid pot, which has an inner part with holes at the bottom and an outer part - a larger pot.
This design allows you to easily get an inner pot and instead of watering put it in a container with water (here you can add fertilizers). It is enough to leave in this form for 15-20 minutes, so that all the contents are saturated with moisture.

After a while, the pot must be removed. You can pour water from above, and then let the water completely escape. For this, holes in the bottom of the pot are necessary. Of course, doing the above manipulations is more convenient on the street, at least in the warm season.

As you can see, properly watering and caring for a capricious plant is not so difficult. However, these few concerns will make it possible. floweringMake it a real decoration of your home. Why not enjoy the beauty of your family and guests?