The principle of warm linoleum in the house
Ideal flooring is not so rare, my friends constantly put something under the legs to align their tables and nightstands. True, and they live in an old house, where in the kitchen one of the former owners put tiles, moreover, not very smooth. But not the point. They did. repairAs usual, there is not enough money for everything. What do I do?
Editorial "Site" I have already seen one homemade option, how to make your feet warm, and save a decent amount of money. It's heater It differs from the traditional one, because it does not have any elements for heating, but when compared with cold laminate or tiles, this one turns out to be more comfortable. Kids can run barefoot!
Friends plan to organize such a coating so far only in the kitchen, and they will do it on their own. If desired, you can organize in the whole apartment, but this is already to everyone’s taste. If you are not burdened with extra financial resources, then you can do according to our option and use linoleum. Let's see what we can do.
Sequence of action
If you seriously approach the terminology and technology, you can understand that this option is devoid of forced heating. Then why do we call it warm? The fact is that linoleum and OSB plate gradually warm up to room temperature and are able to retain this heat. You can simply walk without slippers for everyone: both adults and children. It's really warm!
In conclusion, we would like to add that offers on the market at least a lot, but few people even try to pretend that they are worried about your wallet. Everyone thinks you're as rich as Croesus, and you're going to make a palisandre. It's a good thing we're here with our warm linoleum, isn't it?

Editorial "Site" I have already seen one homemade option, how to make your feet warm, and save a decent amount of money. It's heater It differs from the traditional one, because it does not have any elements for heating, but when compared with cold laminate or tiles, this one turns out to be more comfortable. Kids can run barefoot!

Friends plan to organize such a coating so far only in the kitchen, and they will do it on their own. If desired, you can organize in the whole apartment, but this is already to everyone’s taste. If you are not burdened with extra financial resources, then you can do according to our option and use linoleum. Let's see what we can do.

Sequence of action
- First, you need to tear off the previous coating up to the concrete slab, since a new frame is supposed. If the tile is laid, it can be problematic. If the level between adjacent rooms is not too critical, then it makes sense to put on top. Otherwise, jackhammer A letter of help and tears on the door of the entrance, they say, be patient, please!
- The second step is to level the concrete with special screed mixtures. If you did not hold the level in your hands before, you can invite a specialist. Well, if you understand, then you can personally. For greater fidelity, you can wait a couple of days for the mixture to dry. 231392
- You will need a polyethylene foam substrate and several OSB-3 plates, these materials can be easily found in specialized stores. The substrate between the OSB plate will provide additional thermal and sound insulation. It is not worth laying it under linoleum, the coating will turn out to be too soft, any stool without a load will leave visible traces, and this is absolutely useless for us. The thickness of the materials is better selected based on the conditions.
- OSB board is a relatively new material in the construction market, but has already proved itself: soundproofingMoisture resistance and ease of installation. I must say that the price is attractive. Put the stove on top of it. Be sure to remember that you need to carefully measure everything so that the tile is in the tile. It is better not to put the plate sideways, but to leave a small gap of 2-3 mm. Scroll straight into concrete, step 30-40 centimeters.
- When the fit is complete, you can confidently roll out the linoleum, stuff the boards, bring back the furniture and enjoy the new coating. With the money saved, you can buy a new washing machine or refrigerator. Or TV. Well, you can decide.
If you seriously approach the terminology and technology, you can understand that this option is devoid of forced heating. Then why do we call it warm? The fact is that linoleum and OSB plate gradually warm up to room temperature and are able to retain this heat. You can simply walk without slippers for everyone: both adults and children. It's really warm!
In conclusion, we would like to add that offers on the market at least a lot, but few people even try to pretend that they are worried about your wallet. Everyone thinks you're as rich as Croesus, and you're going to make a palisandre. It's a good thing we're here with our warm linoleum, isn't it?