What the gardener is going through

The garden and garden are a place of peace and a way to escape from everyday worries. That’s just a favorite hobby does not always bring joy, sometimes we are overcome by fears associated with the beloved thing.

World of gardeners Today editorial office "Site" He will talk about what is so disturbing to rejected summer residents and how to overcome these fears.

  1. Crops won't rise
    Gardeners and gardeners First of all, they worry about their plants, because they try to do everything possible to sow crops. If the gardener carefully cared for the beds and bought quality seeds, planted them in well-fertilized soil at the right time, why not rise? Sometimes seedlings really can not meet the expectations of the worker. If everything is done correctly and in a timely manner, then it is not a matter of the gardener, but in weather conditions.

  2. The saplings will freeze.
    This can happen if suddenly after the plus temperature suddenly hit the frost, then nothing can be done. If everything is stable with weather conditions and you have selected crops that correspond to your region, then everything will be fine with them. Otherwise, do not be discouraged, just need to plant seedlings again at a favorable time for them.

  3. The crop will be lost.
    Do not forget about preventive measures, if the plants were given due attention, then do not worry. In case there are the first signs of disease, you need to take measures, and part of the crop can definitely be saved. The only thing that can destroy plantings is rust or bacterial burn of trees.

  4. Dacha is attacked by ants
    It is unpleasant, but some ants are even useful for the garden. And you can get rid of the rest if you arrange around the anthills crushed leaves of tomatoes, charcoal, tobacco ash, turpentine. Also on sale is full of products for processing plants from ants.

  5. There will be moles on the site.
    Characteristic pits can appear both in the garden and in the garden, annoying poor gardeners with spoiled plantings. If there are no such pits, there is nothing to worry about, but it is better to prevent pests, otherwise, when you notice the tricks of the mole, it will not be easy to remove these pests.

  6. Water will be lost in the country.
    One of the fears of any civilized person is to be left without clean water. But we are talking about seasonal water, which appears in the warm season. A more serious problem may be drought, and subsequently the disappearance of water from the well. First, take care of the availability of water. And with a parched well, everything is more serious: you will have to deepen it by several meters.

  7. Dacha will burn.
    This can happen quite unexpectedly, and there are plenty of reasons for this: the weather, irresponsible neighbors, intruders. To be safe, make sure that the house is safe wiring, good electrical appliances and plumbing. Another option is to insure housing and, if so, receive compensation from the insurance company.

  8. Wild animals will wander into the dacha
    First of all, you need to protect your site from unexpected guests. To do this, you can get a guard dog and not worry about anything.

Gardener and gardener world It’s not that easy, there’s always something to be nervous about. But why bother? First, you need to do your job qualitatively, and secondly, you do not need to get upset ahead of time and think about what may not happen. A person cannot predict everything in advance. Are you worried about landing in the country?


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