At what age can a child be allowed to sleep in a parent’s bed?
Every mother wants the best for her child. But sometimes, because of the desire to protect, protect from worldly adversity, he goes overboard with guardianship. I'm sure you know adults who can't solve anything without mom's approval. Not the most comforting picture. Of course, there is no one more expensive than parents, but one of the most important tasks of motherhood is to be a mother. teach the child to be independentBecome a self-sufficient individual. Some psychologists believe that the root of the problems of infantileity lies in the parental decision that the child sleeps with his mother almost to adulthood. Let's think about it together. Be sure to share what you think.
When the baby has just arrived from the hospital, of course, many parents decide to sleep together. The reasons are many. Firstly, it helps to establish closer contact with the baby, and secondly, it is easier for the mother to establish feeding tricks.
In addition, so the sleep of the puerperium will be stronger, in the morning it is easier to happily devote time to the son or daughter, when it was possible to sleep all night. It is also an invaluable experience for the baby. After all, think: for 9 months the baby was in a womb protected from the outside world. And coming into this world, meets a lot of new smells, sounds. It's hard to digest. And when the closest people and gentle hands are nearby, adaptation to new conditions is easier.
Many people would like to extend the infancy period, give all possible love and protection to their children. But in this ocean of tenderness, it is worth remembering that we, parents, must first ensure that our children can cope in this world and without us. When should I “resettle” my child in a separate bed?
Most experts agree that the optimal age for weaning from joint sleep with parents is closer to 2 years. Of course, it is not necessary to rush events and exceptions are possible in any rule. It is unlikely to have enough nerves and strength to leave the child in a separate bed when he is sick. Or when teeth erupt. Or is it happening? adaptation or new conditions of life. But it is not worth delaying with a reshuffle.
To make the first step to independence as smooth as possible, turn the beginning of a separate sleep of the child into a holiday. Choose a bed where your baby is as comfortable as possible. Bed linen matters, too. You can give a child a little guard of his sleep - it can be a favorite cartoon hero or a cute plush toy.
The first successful experience of sleeping in a separate bed should be noted. You can come up with some surprise for the baby, praise him for this truly adult step.
Alicia Silverstone: We're still sleeping together Interestingly, there is another opinion. Like, the longer you sleep with a child, the more confident he will grow. For example, Alicia Silverstone, a famous American actress, believes that sleeping with her mother is a natural need for a child. On her Instagram account, the actress said, “Bear and I are still sleeping together.” Bear Blue Jareki is 11 years old, just a minute.
Instagram / @aliciasilverstone argues that this decision is important to ensure the safety of the child, because earlier if people forced their children to sleep separately, then most likely the babies would not wake up in the morning. Because there were a lot of wild animals around, ready to deprive negligent parents of offspring. But time does not stand still, and now our children may well feel safe not only in the mother under the heart.
In fact, it is very simple to associate the failed maturity of a person with an untimely move to his own bed. But many people on the planet simply do not have the conditions to provide a separate sleep. And not just in countries with high birth rates. Sometimes life changes your original plans and desires. Personally, I don't see a problem if your child is able to sleep without you, like in a new place, but you share the same bed at home. If everyone in the family is comfortable, why not?
The main thing is that in the end, everyone has the opportunity to sleep well, relax and recharge for the new day. And you can grow up regardless of whether you sleep in the same bed with your mother under the age of 11 or from three you already go to the arms of Morpheus in a separate room.
Either way, have good dreams for you and your kids. We are waiting for your opinion on whether it is shameful for a child to sleep with his mother in adolescence. It's interesting. Have a good day and good night!

When the baby has just arrived from the hospital, of course, many parents decide to sleep together. The reasons are many. Firstly, it helps to establish closer contact with the baby, and secondly, it is easier for the mother to establish feeding tricks.

In addition, so the sleep of the puerperium will be stronger, in the morning it is easier to happily devote time to the son or daughter, when it was possible to sleep all night. It is also an invaluable experience for the baby. After all, think: for 9 months the baby was in a womb protected from the outside world. And coming into this world, meets a lot of new smells, sounds. It's hard to digest. And when the closest people and gentle hands are nearby, adaptation to new conditions is easier.
Many people would like to extend the infancy period, give all possible love and protection to their children. But in this ocean of tenderness, it is worth remembering that we, parents, must first ensure that our children can cope in this world and without us. When should I “resettle” my child in a separate bed?

Most experts agree that the optimal age for weaning from joint sleep with parents is closer to 2 years. Of course, it is not necessary to rush events and exceptions are possible in any rule. It is unlikely to have enough nerves and strength to leave the child in a separate bed when he is sick. Or when teeth erupt. Or is it happening? adaptation or new conditions of life. But it is not worth delaying with a reshuffle.
To make the first step to independence as smooth as possible, turn the beginning of a separate sleep of the child into a holiday. Choose a bed where your baby is as comfortable as possible. Bed linen matters, too. You can give a child a little guard of his sleep - it can be a favorite cartoon hero or a cute plush toy.

The first successful experience of sleeping in a separate bed should be noted. You can come up with some surprise for the baby, praise him for this truly adult step.
Alicia Silverstone: We're still sleeping together Interestingly, there is another opinion. Like, the longer you sleep with a child, the more confident he will grow. For example, Alicia Silverstone, a famous American actress, believes that sleeping with her mother is a natural need for a child. On her Instagram account, the actress said, “Bear and I are still sleeping together.” Bear Blue Jareki is 11 years old, just a minute.

Instagram / @aliciasilverstone argues that this decision is important to ensure the safety of the child, because earlier if people forced their children to sleep separately, then most likely the babies would not wake up in the morning. Because there were a lot of wild animals around, ready to deprive negligent parents of offspring. But time does not stand still, and now our children may well feel safe not only in the mother under the heart.
In fact, it is very simple to associate the failed maturity of a person with an untimely move to his own bed. But many people on the planet simply do not have the conditions to provide a separate sleep. And not just in countries with high birth rates. Sometimes life changes your original plans and desires. Personally, I don't see a problem if your child is able to sleep without you, like in a new place, but you share the same bed at home. If everyone in the family is comfortable, why not?

The main thing is that in the end, everyone has the opportunity to sleep well, relax and recharge for the new day. And you can grow up regardless of whether you sleep in the same bed with your mother under the age of 11 or from three you already go to the arms of Morpheus in a separate room.

Either way, have good dreams for you and your kids. We are waiting for your opinion on whether it is shameful for a child to sleep with his mother in adolescence. It's interesting. Have a good day and good night!
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